Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

If money's tight then I can't really recommend you should go and buy a record. But $25 isn't too bad a price for vinyl in 2024, so hat-tip to VMP for that, at least.

I think this was posted earlier in the thread, but if you like what you hear in this video, then you're gonna like the album. If you don't like it or are kind of iffy on it, then probably not.

oh money isn't bad its just the issue of the subscriptions plus extra making me overthink
VMP still hasnt got to the bottom of my packages being sent to the incorrect address.

I lucked out in that my previous box was rejected by the owners of the incorrect address (for a second time) but they pointed out that the postcode was wrong and scribbled down the correct one.

I told VMP all of this again (its been going on for months) and after 3 weeks they then replied to my chaser email to say they haven't got to the bottom of it.

VMP still hasnt got to the bottom of my packages being sent to the incorrect address.

I lucked out in that my previous box was rejected by the owners of the incorrect address (for a second time) but they pointed out that the postcode was wrong and scribbled down the correct one.

I told VMP all of this again (its been going on for months) and after 3 weeks they then replied to my chaser email to say they haven't got to the bottom of it.

Relax, their best people are on it.
SOOO Overpriced. They average ~$55 for any 2 LP album and ~40 for any single LP album. So for 5 albums bought separately you'd expect to pay ~$260, but they jack it up by $70-$110 because of a 20 page booklet and an additional box? FOH.
I don’t think you can count the book. An AOTM cost $36 period and comes with a ten page book. Even if they are doing a hard bind (which they aren’t), I can’t imagine the 20 page book costs more then 5 ten page books.