Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Omg, everyone on here is like legit cancelling their subscription. I can’t believe it.....😳😳😳

I hope VMP still lasts another 3 years at least! I’m starting to get a bit concerned now because this store migration has resulted in VMP’s biggest screw up yet.....🤧🤦‍♂️

Also, I hope they continue doing international shipping! I have a feeling they might not be very profitable with the international customers as the shipping is too expensive for them.....💰🥀

I just really want VMP to get out of this mess and to start taking care of their customers, inventory stock, the way they package boxes and to be more honest with their customers. Like, I really just want them to succeed in the long-term because they are my favourite vinyl company and I love their range and pressings and prices etc!

I just don’t want Voldermort to die 🥺🥀
I'm only a member since march of this year, but already in those few months I had my fair share of issues. And now, my december records (Lucille and Aretha) have not been shipped out, an unanswered CS request from 2 weeks ago, a cancelled order (OOS) and weak picks for January ROTM and nothing left in store I consider a worthy swap, I really think of cancelling my sub which is up to renew in January.

Initially when I found out about VMP and joined I was really excited and everything, the records were great and arrived timely, but month by month my excitement decreases and frustration increases.

And this absolutely untested system migration, I mean, come on. That just tops it all. I'm a software developer myself, and when we release software that only contains a third of those issues I'm sure that I'll loose my job...
Omg, everyone on here is like legit cancelling their subscription. I can’t believe it.....😳😳😳

I hope VMP still lasts another 3 years at least! I’m starting to get a bit concerned now because this store migration has resulted in VMP’s biggest screw up yet.....🤧🤦‍♂️

Also, I hope they continue doing international shipping! I have a feeling they might not be very profitable with the international customers as the shipping is too expensive for them.....💰🥀

I just really want VMP to get out of this mess and to start taking care of their customers, inventory stock, the way they package boxes and to be more honest with their customers. Like, I really just want them to succeed in the long-term because they are my favourite vinyl company and I love their range and pressings and prices etc!

I just don’t want Voldermort to die 🥺🥀

Yeah, as pissed off as I am at this latest in a long line of screw ups, I’m still rooting for them to get their shit together. But this migration has pretty much caused me to all but lose faith that they’re even capable of not getting in their own way.

Even CS who I considered a constant saving grace of this company have shown how poor they are actually are. The days of the “dank solutions” are long gone
It's also a bit "woe is me". Like, no. You all did this to yourself! And that is also why I don't want to hear/see/read one single more time about how they are making their worker bees work OT. Are we supposed to feel bad about that? Cause I don't. Maybe don't do an untested migration during the busiest month of the year? Those higher up people that have thrown their employees and contract workers to the wolves time and again better be there working right alongside the people they are forcing to work OT to clean up the mistakes.
I'm so glad people are seeing Storf for the bootlicking knob he is!
Omg, everyone on here is like legit cancelling their subscription. I can’t believe it.....😳😳😳

I hope VMP still lasts another 3 years at least! I’m starting to get a bit concerned now because this store migration has resulted in VMP’s biggest screw up yet.....🤧🤦‍♂️

Also, I hope they continue doing international shipping! I have a feeling they might not be very profitable with the international customers as the shipping is too expensive for them.....💰🥀

I just really want VMP to get out of this mess and to start taking care of their customers, inventory stock, the way they package boxes and to be more honest with their customers. Like, I really just want them to succeed in the long-term because they are my favourite vinyl company and I love their range and pressings and prices etc!

I just don’t want Voldermort to die 🥺🥀

They have more subscribers who don’t come online and moan and engage with them than the likes of us who do. Even if all their engaged customers pull out it won’t bring them down, more likely it’ll mean exclusives hang around. If they go bust it’ll be all of their own doing.

Personally I’ll be happier when I‘m not giving them my money again, the last 3 months have been no fun! I’d be even happier if I didn’t ever hear of them again tbh. Leave them off on reddit and stop them polluting our nice clean waters.
They have more subscribers who don’t come online and moan and engage with them than the likes of us who do. Even if all their engaged customers pull out it won’t bring them down, more likely it’ll mean exclusives hang around. If they go bust it’ll be all of their own doing.

Personally I’ll be happier when I‘m not giving them my money again, the last 3 months have been no fun! I’d be even happier if I didn’t ever hear of them again tbh. Leave them off on reddit and stop them polluting our nice clean waters.
You know, once you stop giving them money, it’s not so bad hearing about them. You just kick back with some popcorn and whisky and enjoy the shitshow.
That flair was a poor call on the part of one of the mods, and the rest of us all agreed it wasn’t appropriate. I recognize how sarcastic this is about to sound but I hope you trust that I do mean it: on behalf of the mod team, I do apologize for the flair. It wasn’t cool, and it went against what we want the sub to be and how we want users to feel.
I mean, thanks and all, but as you have said OVER AND OVER, you “can’t speak for the other mods,” so an apology from you doesn’t have much value. In fact all of the mods who have responded have said it wasn’t them.

Feel free to let us know when THAT mod is ready to apologize. I apologized for my carelessly mean-spirited comment; maybe I should be a mod.

Not your department, I suppose, but decisions like that make it very clear that the moderation you and your team provide is biased in favor of the corporation we are trying to hold to account.

But hey, at least you got your band name lined up:
STORF AND THE STORFETTES! You can sell tickets for a shilling apiece! Your sound will be based on coordination and harmony!
I mean, thanks and all, but as you have said OVER AND OVER, you “can’t speak for the other mods,” so an apology from you doesn’t have much value. In fact all of the mods who have responded have said it wasn’t them. Feel free to let us know when THAT mod is ready to apologize.

Not your department, I suppose, but decisions like that make it very clear that the moderation you and your team provide is biased in favor of the corporation we are trying to hold to account.

But hey, at least you got your band name lined up:
STORF AND THE STORFETTES! You can sell tickets for a shilling apiece! Your sound will be based on coordination and harmony!

Can we please keep the fighting among ourselves to Reddit please?
No, because they seem to be banning redditors who call them out there?

There’s still constant people calling them out over there (myself included) and this specific mod seemed to apologize even if it wasn’t him who did it. Have a private conversation about it but last thing I’m sure a lot of us want is this becoming another board with people just arguing amongst themselves. Some of us like VMP, some of us don’t, some are in the middle. I like that this board, unlike reddit, seems to accept that.