Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

This is true. We still ban people. I would appreciate that we not call people names. Criticize the company but try to avoid personal attacks, please.
We definitely still ban people, and some people have gotten temporary bans for bad behavior.

We're not going to ban people for disagreeing with us or complaining about stuff. However personal attacks are off the table, ESPECIALLY for other members here.

I wasn't making any sort of joke about Storf or his personage. Just that he's the only one willing to stick his neck out and mostly gets punished for it. He can be smug among other things but he doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting on Reddit or here.
P.S. That was a joke, because, you see, punching bags are overstuffed bags of sawdust. *META*
View attachment 26454

Current status of VMP migration...

Oh wow. This should work pretty well back to back with a gif I posted earlier. Let's try it

giphy (2).gif
I apologized for my carelessly mean-spirited comment; maybe I should be a mod.
Can’t have it both ways.

You can't have it both ways either. The flair was definitely unwarranted bullshit that was added after the fact. You've heard from only 2 mods here and I'm sure that, even in that misguided move, whoever did it thought they were defending the mod team in some way and overstepped. @chrb98 didn't do it and @MattHasIdeas owned banning you and stuck by it. So, why would they lie about this. They've owned up to every other action/decision. The fact that you apologized for your comment shows that you're aware of it, so take the temp ban and get over it.

You've admitted that you don't always realize you've crossed a line, but you've pushed that here several times, too, as if you're daring them to ban you -- not more recently, but just prior to the reddit ban, since you've been riding that topic since. If they do, I'm sure you'll feign surprise.

Nobody is more guilty of criticizing that company than me and nobody enjoys talking shit more, but as a parent, I have minimal patience for the Steve Urkel "did I do that?" faux bewilderment. You apologized, so you know why you got banned. Take it and move on. @NathanRicaud got banned from the old VMP board. He took it and moved on. If you do realize that you've crossed the line afterward, then take the ban as the wake up checking you where the line was at. Don't try to rewrite the scenario. When your ban on reddit was preceded by a handful of comments here that I know elicited reactions from people on this board thinking "Woah. What the fuck? That seems to go a little far and left field from the context here." then not a ton of people here are gonna have your back. Not a ton of people have followed every post here either, but I've watched this unfold.

I might normally suggest going and checking your posts that received angry face reactions or zero reactions at all on this very thread. Then to try and figure out why your specific comments, among all the other criticism, weren't supported. Read the room. But, I don't think you really need to do that, because you know the difference just like my 8 year old knows why I'm pissed, even though he acts confused.

You attacked Storf's weight. You got banned on a reddit sub. Take the temp ban. Even feel your comment was justified, if you want/do, but deal with the consequence and don't pretend like you don't understand it or are being singled out without playing any role in it. Don't go at the mods here, man.

He can be smug among other things but he doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting on Reddit or here.

I don't entirely agree with this. He's not just smug, he's dismissive and offensive. He's been insulting to other people and his comments essentially blame customers for being dramatic and unable to please, when they have real issues. If you ask a question about a real concern related to your credit card or your account details shifting and you have a staff member playing victim when nobody ever personally attacked or mentioned them, gaslighting you and encouraging a mob of his fans to come and attack you while you're already dealing with the original issues.... like Brit Brit put it, he's not that innocent.

Storf plays victim way too much for me to fall into it. Some people are attacking him, I'm sure, but he created that situation for the most part. He's consistently responded to very general VMP critiques by voluntarily coming in with eyerolls toward the customers dismissing them and signaling mobs. He's made himself the face of the company and the face of the victim if anyone even slightly critiques the company. VMP never asked him to do it. Because of that, it's evolved into critiques of that practice that he's employed. At least from my end. That's what has rubbed me the wrong way, the effort to victim blame and dismiss people just looking for some assistance or validation with their issues.
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You can't have it both ways either. The flair was definitely unwarranted bullshit that was added after the fact. You've heard from only 2 mods here and I'm sure that, even in that misguided move, whoever did it thought they were defending the mod team in some way and overstepped. @chrb98 didn't do it and @MattHasIdeas owned banning you and stuck by it. So, why would they lie about this. They've owned up to every other action/decision. The fact that you apologized for your comment shows that you're aware of it, so take the temp ban and get over it.

You've admitted that you don't akways realize you've crossed a line, but you've pushed that here several times, too, as if you're daring them to ban you -- not more recently, but just prior to the reddit ban, since you've been riding that topic since. If they do, I'm sure you'll feign surprise.

Nobody is more guilty of criticizing that company than me and nobody enjoys talking shit more, but as a parent, I have minimal patience for the Steve Urkel "did I do that?" faux bewilderment. You apologized, so you know why you got banned. Take it and move on. @NathanRicaud got banned from the old VMP board. He took it and moved on. If you do realize that you've crossed the line afterward, then take the ban as the wake up checking you where the line was at. Don't try to rewrite the scenario. When your ban on reddit was preceded by a handful of comments here that I know elicited reactions from people on this board thinking "Woah. What the fuck? That seems to go a little far and left field from the context here." then not a ton of people here are gonna have your back. Not a ton of people have followed every post here either, but I've watched this unfold.

I might normally suggest going and checking your posts that received angry face reactions or zero reactions at all on this very thread. Then to try and figure out why your specific comments, among all the other criticism, weren't supported. Read the room. But, I don't think you really need to do that, because you know the difference just like my 8 year old knows why I'm pissed, even though he acts confused.

You attacked Storf's weight. You got banned on a reddit sub. Take the temp ban. Even feel your comment was justified, if you want/do, but deal with the consequence and don't pretend like you don't understand it or are being signaled out without playing any role in it. Don't go at the mods here, man.
Perhaps I have not communicated well what I am bothered about at this point; because it's not the ban. It was explained clearly what my infraction was by the mod who did it there in DMs, and by @Indymisanthrope and others here. I'm not going defend the manner in which that particular comment was worded, because it (and I) was wrong. I wouldn't have deleted it, personally, so that others could see what sort of comment merited the ban and learn from my mistake.

TBH, I almost wish I hadn't complained about the user flair and kept it, if only because I think it served to illustrate to other users which side one or more of the mods of the subreddit are on. What irritates me is that the mod who actually did it is being shielded from being called out. @chrb98 and @MattHasIdeas are here and had some spleen vented at them, some unfairly. They were quick to apologize on behalf of the other mods and have said that they talked as a mod group regarding the inappropriateness of that particular action, but also have said on multiple occasions that they can't and won't speak for the actions of the other mods. From my perspective, then, there is no apology or accountability in that regard.

P.S. I do actually appreciate the check. Keep them coming.
Perhaps I have not communicated well what I am bothered about at this point; because it's not the ban. It was explained clearly what my infraction was by the mod who did it there in DMs, and by @Indymisanthrope and others here. I'm not going defend the manner in which that particular comment was worded, because it (and I) was wrong. I wouldn't have deleted it, personally, so that others could see what sort of comment merited the ban and learn from my mistake.

TBH, I almost wish I hadn't complained about the user flair and kept it, if only because I think it served to illustrate to other users which side one or more of the mods of the subreddit are on. What irritates me is that the mod who actually did it is being shielded from being called out. @chrb98 and @MattHasIdeas are here and had some spleen vented at them, some unfairly. They were quick to apologize on behalf of the other mods and have said that they talked as a mod group regarding the inappropriateness of that particular action, but also have said on multiple occasions that they can't and won't speak for the actions of the other mods. From my perspective, then, there is no apology or accountability in that regard.

P.S. I do actually appreciate the check. Keep them coming.

The flair was removed though, right? I mean, if the specific mod who put it there is not here, those who are can't really speak for them, but they were willing to address it.

I love burning bridges and, when I burn them, I know it's happening. In that moment, I've decided it was worth it, even if/though it's probably the wrong move in retrospect. You seem to like fires, too. That's why I said that I don't even necessarily believe that you need to feel any regret for the comment, if you didn't, only that you should probably take the repercussion and own it. The hater flair shouldn't have been part of that repercussion and the reddit mods on here seem to agree with that. If nothing else, when the reaction oversteps like that, it makes the original ban look less valid, as well, and only works against them. Likewise, I felt that the way that your ban was carried out with a comment that was antagonistic to to entire sub, daring/challening/threatening everyone/anyone else to try them with that "come at me bro" phrasing was a bad look. Even if I don't agree with it -- partly because the optics badly work against their own interests -- @MattHasIdeas owned it and kind of accepted to take whatever consequences might come with that decision, himself. There has to be some level of unity among the mods and some level of respect for not selling one of their own out, in my eyes. They deal with it among themselves and check each other. We do the same on this board.

The comedian Doug Stanhope had some weird feud with Dane Cook back in the day and it resulted in people trying to bond with him by taking shots at Cook over the years. He's addressed it by stating that, no matter how much disdain he may or may not have had for Cook at times, he's still always going to be more connected to him than someone who isn't a standup. They share an understanding and shared experience and livelihood. It's like a family.

I butt heads with people here, but even if it's someone who I've had differences with, I'll still have their backs when I agree with them on something else, or if they're attacked by someone else, when I don't think it's necessarily warranted. Especially if it's someone less ingrained in or outside of the community and/or on a different platform. There has to be some level of unity. I don't want to see Needles & Grooves splinter.

The mods here have a light touch and that's because we're generally self regulating. Reddit is a different animal. It's all over the place. It's chaos. I wouldn't want to mod that fiasco and it's definitely not a fiasco BECAUSE of the mods. They just took on the thankless job of dealing with it. I guarantee that those who still defend VMP can't believe they're allowing the sub to go so hard against the company. They can't win. Sometimes one or two are going to try and contain it by reacting with excessive force. In this case it sounds like they believed they were defending their other mods, but were told they probably went a little far and they pulled the flair. I'd assume they owned it in their private discussion. They have to have each others backs to some extent, though, because they are the only other people in the specific position they are. Nobody else on that sub has their backs.

MOBS VS MODS. The latest in a long line of terrible MTV obstacle challenge reality shows.
We definitely still ban people, and some people have gotten temporary bans for bad behavior.

We're not going to ban people for disagreeing with us or complaining about stuff. However personal attacks are off the table, ESPECIALLY for other members here.

Storf is a tricky subject because many people here have personally interacted with him. I think some of the attacks on him here are going overboard. I mean I personally called him names elsewhere but it's probably better to direct anger with the company in general instead of specific people. Especially since Storf doesn't actually have his hand in things like shipping, customer service, etc. He's just an easy punching bag.

He most definitely does, but only when it’s convenient for him. If he feels cornered by a question he throws out the “not my department” meme. However there are lots of times his comments are not within “his department”, sometimes those comments are straight wrong (woozy) and sometimes even after they’re straight wrong he doesn’t apologize (woozy).
He most definitely does, but only when it’s convenient for him. If he doesn’t feels cornered by a question he throws out the “not my department” meme. However there are lots of times his comments are not within “his department”, sometimes those comments are straight wrong (woozy) and sometimes even after they’re straight wrong he doesn’t apologize (woozy).

yea thats my problem with him, since he says he doesn't have to be on reddit he has no problem giving shit answers to questions.
More fuel for the fire? I sleuthed their Instagram and came across their thanksgiving promo where they “gave away” a bunch of turntables. They listed the “winners” by name.... of all the people they listed by name, only one of them actually follows VMP. The others either don’t exist on IG, or they’re very far away from what I would think a VMP customer would be anywhere near.
He most definitely does, but only when it’s convenient for him. If he feels cornered by a question he throws out the “not my department” meme. However there are lots of times his comments are not within “his department”, sometimes those comments are straight wrong (woozy) and sometimes even after they’re straight wrong he doesn’t apologize (woozy).
Not to be callous, but I don’t really care about that stuff. He’s not a bad person and people are treating him like absolute shit. I don’t care if he has trollish behavior people are being way too personal.
Not to be callous, but I don’t really care about that stuff. He’s not a bad person and people are treating him like absolute shit. I don’t care if he has trollish behavior people are being way too personal.

For a lot of people it’s personal, and he was the one who made it that way with his elitist snark and sarcastic responses to completely innocent inquiries. It’s a pretty large subject group too. I do agree with you though, we shouldn’t go around saying we F’d his mother and hope he loses his job. But to be fair, I must have missed the F’d his mother comment and the “hope he loses his job” gripe by him was grossly exaggerated when somebody said he should polish up his resume (this isn’t even a dig at him, it’s a dig at the company). I really haven’t noticed much unacceptable vitriol towards him.
So Storf said on reddit, on Friday, that VMP was "working on getting an email out" about the ongoing issues and updates to all customers.

Anyone get anything?

How incompetent do you have to be as a company to go home Friday without getting ANYTHING sent out?

I did get "The Standard" today...fucking ridiculous.
So Storf said on reddit, on Friday, that VMP was "working on getting an email out" about the ongoing issues and updates to all customers.

Anyone get anything?

How incompetent do you have to be as a company to go home Friday without getting ANYTHING sent out?

I did get "The Standard" today...fucking ridiculous.
I just got the Standard email and thought the exact same thing. Bad timing. FTS. What I want to see on Insta is the entire staff’s asses down in North Carolina packing my damn box!!!!!!
So Storf said on reddit, on Friday, that VMP was "working on getting an email out" about the ongoing issues and updates to all customers.

Anyone get anything?

How incompetent do you have to be as a company to go home Friday without getting ANYTHING sent out?

I did get "The Standard" today...fucking ridiculous.

I received an email this morning with “Welcome to the best damn record club” in the subject line. It had a link to become a member. I’m already subscribed and have been off and on since 2015. Still no response to my CS emails though.
Same boat. i have yet to receive an email. It’s been two and a half weeks and nothing. They responded publicly to my Instagram comments but never responded to my DMs. They are ridiculous.
For a lot of people it’s personal, and he was the one who made it that way with his elitist snark and sarcastic responses to completely innocent inquiries. It’s a pretty large subject group too. I do agree with you though, we shouldn’t go around saying we F’d his mother and hope he loses his job. But to be fair, I must have missed the F’d his mother comment and the “hope he loses his job” gripe by him was grossly exaggerated when somebody said he should polish up his resume (this isn’t even a dig at him, it’s a dig at the company). I really haven’t noticed much unacceptable vitriol towards him.
Not to be callous, but his stans don’t care about that. He’s not an asshole even when he spends most of his time responding to VMP customers expressing legitimate gripes with the service by acting like an asshole.
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I mean, thanks and all, but as you have said OVER AND OVER, you “can’t speak for the other mods,” so an apology from you doesn’t have much value. In fact all of the mods who have responded have said it wasn’t them.

Feel free to let us know when THAT mod is ready to apologize. I apologized for my carelessly mean-spirited comment; maybe I should be a mod.

Not your department, I suppose, but decisions like that make it very clear that the moderation you and your team provide is biased in favor of the corporation we are trying to hold to account.

But hey, at least you got your band name lined up:
STORF AND THE STORFETTES! You can sell tickets for a shilling apiece! Your sound will be based on coordination and harmony!
100000% this.

That is the current situation on reddit.

Crysb even said on there basically "do not go to N&G" when everyone was recommending folks go to N&G.