Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yes it is.

Mobb Deep showed up unexpectedly today as a single record delivery although I chose bundled shipping.

And guess what: Without prior notification they decided to declare the actual value of the record. So additionally to the 31$ I had to pay another 11€ in customs and fees, thanks a lot.

Now I'm afraid if the same goes for my monthly box, which should contain six albums. Needless to say there was no shipping notification yet, though it's already the 16th of the month.

At least in foresight I did not order a single christmas record from them.

same shit is going to happen to me.
for sure, they wont reply to me asking to cancel all orders.
Eeesh..........what a response, but would love to hear if they actually take care of it.

I'm sure part of that response is because I've hyped up VMP in the past on my IG, and while I'm not a huge account I still do have a fairly large amount of followers and wield at least a tiny bit of influence I guess.

As far as actual action, I'm not hopeful. I don't know what their social media person is going to do about order fulfillment.
Hmm I'm starting to think that not even the "When The Pawn..." hype warrants renewing a membership at this point. Odds are that:

1. "When the Pawn..." (if it's ever announced) will be available to non-members;
2. If it turns out to be a member exclusive, then there should be time to sign back up before it sells out; and
3. Even if it sells out quickly, there will also be a wider reissue, right?

Decisions, decisions.