Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Hmm I'm starting to think that not even the "When The Pawn..." hype warrants renewing a membership at this point. Odds are that:

1. "When the Pawn..." (if it's ever announced) will be available to non-members;
2. If it turns out to be a member exclusive, then there should be time to sign back up before it sells out; and
3. Even if it sells out quickly, there will also be a wider reissue, right?

Decisions, decisions.

I know I know, but hear me out. I infamously live in Denver, and their Anthology fulfillment is apparently done somewhere here. It will be hard to screw up sending my box across the city. I had no isses with my Blue Note Anthology and I chalk it up to that.

Of course, these are probably famous last words.

So, you didn't have ANY issues with the Blue Note anthology?

If shipping time is the only factor you're concerned about, you're doing better than most people
All the signs point to VMP closing shop abruptly. I’d submit PayPal and credit card claims right now. Records not arriving tells me they don’t have stock on a LOT of titles, which points to money issues. Them having to crowdfund new releases is another, less jarring sign, but soooooo much stuff not arriving is a sign. Also, it appears clear they were unable to pay an experienced IT professional to handle their migration. That it STILL isn’t fixed says they still aren’t able or willing to pay what it costs a pro to fix.

All speculation on my part, but the signs are all there. Cancel any subs before they renew, and ask your payment provider for refunds NOW for all unreceived products.

If you are experiencing a problem now, and ever buy anything from VMP again, it’ll be your fault, not VMPs.
So, you didn't have ANY issues with the Blue Note anthology?

If shipping time is the only factor you're concerned about, you're doing better than most people
Well I received the fudged up Dexter Gordon jacket like everyone else, but yeah aside from that, everything arrived quickly and undamaged. Even my booklet was sent in the flimsy envelope that caused issues for so many others, but again, all they had to do was send it across the city. Hard to mess that up.
I don't want to kick a hornets' nest, necessarily, it just piqued my curiosity because this is the first time I've seen ANY response from them that conveys a message anything like "you're a valued customer." So unless you're just buying oodles and oodles of records from them, it sounds like the thing that would make your experience valuable to them is your following.

And I suppose it makes good business sense to try to keep the people with a platform happy, but still, it's strange that a message as simple as "we value your business" is reserved for those people.

Not kicking a hornets nest at all, IMO. From my view, the supposed valued customer, it sucks that it had to come to social media to get a response. Like...that's NOT their job at all. And certainly it's not fair to any other customers still waiting. I shouldn't be any more or less important to get a response to (in the eyes of VMP).

I appreciate her responding to me, but it's super unlikely she's going to be able to help me anyways
All the signs point to VMP closing shop abruptly. I’d submit PayPal and credit card claims right now. Records not arriving tells me they don’t have stock on a LOT of titles, which points to money issues. Them having to crowdfund new releases is another, less jarring sign, but soooooo much stuff not arriving is a sign. Also, it appears clear they were unable to pay an experienced IT professional to handle their migration. That it STILL isn’t fixed says they still aren’t able or willing to pay what it costs a pro to fix.

All speculation on my part, but the signs are all there. Cancel any subs before they renew, and ask your payment provider for refunds NOW for all unreceived products.

If you are experiencing a problem now, and ever buy anything from VMP again, it’ll be your fault, not VMPs.
Like I said before, telling the employees to polish up their resumes is simply good advice.
All the signs point to VMP closing shop abruptly. I’d submit PayPal and credit card claims right now. Records not arriving tells me they don’t have stock on a LOT of titles, which points to money issues. Them having to crowdfund new releases is another, less jarring sign, but soooooo much stuff not arriving is a sign. Also, it appears clear they were unable to pay an experienced IT professional to handle their migration. That it STILL isn’t fixed says they still aren’t able or willing to pay what it costs a pro to fix.

All speculation on my part, but the signs are all there. Cancel any subs before they renew, and ask your payment provider for refunds NOW for all unreceived products.

If you are experiencing a problem now, and ever buy anything from VMP again, it’ll be your fault, not VMPs.

I'm finding it hard to disagree with this. I don't want it to be true but I think there is something serious going on with VMP and it could easily be something like cash flow issues.
I'm not at the point of cancelling anything but I also wouldn't be surprised if what you have surmised is happening
Storf got SO bent out of shape when I suggested something similar.
I know! He couldn’t get out of his feelings enough to discern the difference between glee and sober, clear eyed realism. It’s gonna bite him in the ass too because it’s a lot easier to get a job while you have a job. If he isn’t careful he’s gonna end up stocking the cooler back at Walgreens. I may not particularly care for the dude, but as a WAG veteran, I wouldn’t wish that fate on my worst enemy.
I know I know, but hear me out. I infamously live in Denver, and their Anthology fulfillment is apparently done somewhere here. It will be hard to screw up sending my box across the city. I had no isses with my Blue Note Anthology and I chalk it up to that.

Of course, these are probably famous last words.

It could have been a one-time thing being done outside the "usual" system, but the Ghostly Anthology was handled by a fulfillment center in NY they'd never used before, and there were a bunch of issues as far as notifications, shipping delays, etc. Once the box finally arrived, it was fine, but just a word of warning that you shouldn't necessarily expect it for sure to be the same as the Blue Note Anthology.
All the signs point to VMP closing shop abruptly. I’d submit PayPal and credit card claims right now. Records not arriving tells me they don’t have stock on a LOT of titles, which points to money issues. Them having to crowdfund new releases is another, less jarring sign, but soooooo much stuff not arriving is a sign. Also, it appears clear they were unable to pay an experienced IT professional to handle their migration. That it STILL isn’t fixed says they still aren’t able or willing to pay what it costs a pro to fix.

All speculation on my part, but the signs are all there. Cancel any subs before they renew, and ask your payment provider for refunds NOW for all unreceived products.

If you are experiencing a problem now, and ever buy anything from VMP again, it’ll be your fault, not VMPs.
counterpoint: they're ripe to be bought by a shark who thinks he can fix their problems
I don't want to kick a hornets' nest, necessarily, it just piqued my curiosity because this is the first time I've seen ANY response from them that conveys a message anything like "you're a valued customer." So unless you're just buying oodles and oodles of records from them, it sounds like the thing that would make your experience valuable to them is your following.

And I suppose it makes good business sense to try to keep the people with a platform happy, but still, it's strange that a message as simple as "we value your business" is reserved for those people.
VMP doesn't like hiring employees directly. I wouldn't be shocked if they have an agency partner running their social media.

So, in speaking with whoever runs their social media, I've been informed that ~15,000 December RotM shipments have NOT gone out yet.

"60% fulfillment" my ass
Please post screenshots on Reddit. It'll be fun.
Just got a shipping notice for Aretha, which does NOT include Lucille or Raising Hell.
Jason from CS and I have been emailing back and forth for the last 30 minutes. Apparently the bundling issue affected everything (I previously thought it only meant that, for example, your ROTMs would not be bundled with your Black Friday and/or other one off purchases). So, for someone like me who ordered all 3 ROTMs this month (first time I ever did that btw), I will apparently be getting 3 separate boxes with one album in each. This is insane. Has anyone who received an order recently gotten more than one album in their box?
That is insane. I truly do not understand any decisions they are making. At this point they must be shelling out thousands in additional shipping fees by not boxing things together. Seems like a key point of their profit margins. Is this happening for international orders too? How much money does a software tool have to cost the company before they scrap it?
Okay so first off, yes... this is happening with international orders. I had Rolling Stones ship separately from my box (effed up pressing, got a refund that hasn't appeared yet in my account. I'll give it two more days then file a claim with my credit card company). And now Mobb Deep has shipped separately. I did not get charged duty for Stones and in fact I don't even see a declaration of value anywhere on the package. Not sure how they deliver it without one but maybe DHL does that internally. So this would be probably 10 dollars extra at least that VMP has paid to deliver these two records, plus however many others they're going to ship individually... I wasn't really ever concerned that they had run into money trouble... now that I'm seeing people saying their confirmed credit card refunds aren't going through, and 15,000 shipments haven't gone out... now I'm starting to believe it...

Also, I can't help but notice on the receipt they send to alert you to a refund it just says "Refunded" doesn't identify to where it was refunded. Usually these statements show "refunded to Credit Card #...---... Whatever the card number is. This notice just says "Refunded". I have a feeling the notice doesn't actually mean anything.