Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Y'know, I think people would also be interested in Jake, VMP's "director of platform strategy," who tends " to bite off more than I can chew, but no more than I can choke down." Or Nirupama, the company's "director of ecommerce and demand planning."

The buck stops with Matt, but it seems to me there are three or four people who are directly responsible for the problems you guys face regularly. I do not endorse attacking any of these people individually. Just got curious about, when Storf is taking the heat as the face of the company on reddit, who is actually in charge of the stuff that's going wrong.
Oh my god I hate LinkedIn.
Jason from CS and I have been emailing back and forth for the last 30 minutes. Apparently the bundling issue affected everything (I previously thought it only meant that, for example, your ROTMs would not be bundled with your Black Friday and/or other one off purchases). So, for someone like me who ordered all 3 ROTMs this month (first time I ever did that btw), I will apparently be getting 3 separate boxes with one album in each. This is insane. Has anyone who received an order recently gotten more than one album in their box?

Does 142 copies of Mobb Deep count?
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That’s what I’m going to be doing......

Just have a think about putting that much money into a company that keep making such big and costly mistakes. I know that you still love their product and want to sub. I don’t see why but I’m not going to try to talk you out of that. What I will say is maybe it might be an idea to take a 3 month sub this time and re-evaluate then. If they’re looking in a much better state and still going you can always get your yearly then. I’d hate for you to lose 10 or 11 months of a years sub!
Just have a think about putting that much money into a company that keep making such big and costly mistakes. I know that you still love their product and want to sub. I don’t see why but I’m not going to try to talk you out of that. What I will say is maybe it might be an idea to take a 3 month sub this time and re-evaluate then. If they’re looking in a much better state and still going you can always get your yearly then. I’d hate for you to lose 10 or 11 months of a years sub!

I agree, I think that they look and smell like a company that is heading for the way out. I might be wrong. I hope I am for the many people who enjoy using them and the staff who require a pay cheque. I just wouldn’t want to gamble on them long term
Omg, you think VMP might be closing down sometime soon!?!?! 😳😳😳

Surely they’re just having a big mess at the moment. Im sure they’ll stick around for a long time!

It’s not definite but I think you’re being myopic to not think that it’s a distinct possibility.

The mobb deep thing. The correct call was repress the excess. Why didn’t they do that? Instead they try to get back product from people who it now belongs to.

Why are they crowdfunding individual record releases with pretty high returns? I’d get crowdfunding to expand the business, for one off records it’s worrying!

Then this months shipping fiasco. They’d need a significant surplus to be shipping to approx 27,000 subscribers on a one by one basis, rather than in large compiled boxes. That one has seriously gotta be costly.

Id be putting no money into them right now...
Jason from CS and I have been emailing back and forth for the last 30 minutes. Apparently the bundling issue affected everything (I previously thought it only meant that, for example, your ROTMs would not be bundled with your Black Friday and/or other one off purchases). So, for someone like me who ordered all 3 ROTMs this month (first time I ever did that btw), I will apparently be getting 3 separate boxes with one album in each. This is insane. Has anyone who received an order recently gotten more than one album in their box?

I have received two boxes in the last two weeks with multiple LPs (including albums that had already been delivered, but that is a separate issue)...
I COMPLETELY missed that. How did that information become known? Is this just a site any old person can access like Kickstarter?

someone posted a link to one of the campaigns on the reddit page I think. It was an open campaign in exactly the Kickstarter vein but I’m not sure whether there was a minimum stake or what it was. It’s how we know that they have approx 27,000 individual subscribers on a given month.

they used a funding company called kickfurther to fund QOTSA with 8% returns. They’re currently running, or maybe just finished running, campaigns for a Essentials in Feb/March and another thing too.

Did they do one for Queens? At one point I posted that, but tried to correct it when I saw that the one I was referring to was actually for buying rights to the Flaming Lips releases. They're doing it again to fund product for the upcoming 3 month block that ends in March or April, I think.
Did they do one for Queens? At one point I posted that, but tried to correct it when I saw that the one I was referring to was actually for buying rights to the Flaming Lips releases. They're doing it again to fund product for the upcoming 3 month block that ends in March or April, I think.

sorry, no, you are right, it was the lips! I just read the campaign! I think my mistake may have come from reading your mistake because I think that it was you who originally put me into the kickfurther existence haha!
sorry, no, you are right, it was the lips! I just read the campaign! I think my mistake may have come from reading your mistake because I think that it was you who originally put me into the kickfurther existence haha!

Yeah. It's not any better either way. They're definitely funding their products through investors, which is particularly fucked because it actually separates the method they're utilizing from crowdfunding on a platform like Kickstarter in one very major way. On kickstarter or bandcamp you can fund a release through preorders. Meanwhile, they already have everyone's money from paid preorders and memberships, which I'd imagine, if handled with some semblance of competency, shouldn't require additional investors. They spent your record money on anoraks and company parties