Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

someone posted a link to one of the campaigns on the reddit page I think. It was an open campaign in exactly the Kickstarter vein but I’m not sure whether there was a minimum stake or what it was. It’s how we know that they have approx 27,000 individual subscribers on a given month.

It's kind of scary given all their 'success', that they can't just approach a bank about a loan.
bank loans prob don't jive with le vibe.

what a bunch of shenanigans.
Yup! I was wrong about 8%, it’s 6.6%, but that seems high for a business loan in the current financial climate. I can get an unsecured loan for a few grand to buy a car at 6ish%

This all screams that they're barely breaking even and could potentially close up shop any day now. If you're not making enough of a profit from 30k subscribers a month, you'll never turn a profit in this business.
someone posted a link to one of the campaigns on the reddit page I think. It was an open campaign in exactly the Kickstarter vein but I’m not sure whether there was a minimum stake or what it was. It’s how we know that they have approx 27,000 individual subscribers on a given month.

They also for some reason refer to Doggystyle as "Gin and Juice"
Screenshot 2019-12-16 15.48.49.png
All the signs point to VMP closing shop abruptly. I’d submit PayPal and credit card claims right now. Records not arriving tells me they don’t have stock on a LOT of titles, which points to money issues. Them having to crowdfund new releases is another, less jarring sign, but soooooo much stuff not arriving is a sign. Also, it appears clear they were unable to pay an experienced IT professional to handle their migration. That it STILL isn’t fixed says they still aren’t able or willing to pay what it costs a pro to fix.

All speculation on my part, but the signs are all there. Cancel any subs before they renew, and ask your payment provider for refunds NOW for all unreceived products.

If you are experiencing a problem now, and ever buy anything from VMP again, it’ll be your fault, not VMPs.

For those familiar with the company SoundStage Direct, their situation was eerily similar. They were a fully reliable shop at one point (probably even more than VMP), kind of a competitor to Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds.

One month, they just stopped shipping stuff. Then, as a “sorry” for the shipping issues, they offered a big sale, selling a ton more product. Months went by and no one got anything. Then, the website went offline, it was gone, and your only recourse was CC/PayPal claims.

As @High Rant District says, look out for yourselves. At a certain point, there’s no coming back from major financial issues—don’t be surprised if they need to cut bait.
TBF, as far as I can tell, he just gets on reddit to piss in peoples' cheerios.
naw his thing now is to play the victim and then threaten to stop posting
That's always been his thing

"That said, the thing that will definitely get me to quit updating stuff here is if people keep telling me they want me to get fired, are fat-shaming, or are saying they are fucking my mom. " -storfer

Ok I don't know who has said what to him in DM, but I have NEVER seen anything approaching this on the subreddit publicly.This seems like a victim card throwdown. I would mention this there but I don't want to end up like our tomato-y friend.
For those familiar with the company SoundStage Direct, their situation was eerily similar. They were a fully reliable shop at one point (probably even more than VMP), kind of a competitor to Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds.

One month, they just stopped shipping stuff. Then, as a “sorry” for the shipping issues, they offered a big sale, selling a ton more product. Months went by and no one got anything. Then, the website went offline, it was gone, and your only recourse was CC/PayPal claims.

As @High Rant District says, look out for yourselves. At a certain point, there’s no coming back from major financial issues—don’t be surprised if they need to cut bait.

Lord, you've invoked SSD. Don't even mention that they were once the darling indie retailer, the cool one that would ship your records outside the jacket to avoid seam splits. The first one to have that shadow-repressed Tom Petty Live Anthology set. Then yes, they left like thieves in the night hosing everyone.
They also for some reason refer to Doggystyle as "Gin and Juice"
View attachment 26623

Yeah. I mentioned that earlier. It's all Adam

This guy

This guy

And the guy who wrote this, which is probably why he's hands on trying to get these albums back

He wrote an interesting testimonial here, too

Yeah. I mentioned that earlier. It's all Adam

"I am currently CFO at Vinyl Me, Please where I get to combine my two passions of startup finance and music. When not working, I can be found skiing, working on old cars, or starting businesses with my dog Hoss, an American Bulldog. "

-mentions music is one of his two passions, music not listed among hobbies-

"I am currently CFO at Vinyl Me, Please where I get to combine my two passions of startup finance and music. When not working, I can be found skiing, working on old cars, or starting businesses with my dog Hoss, an American Bulldog. "

-mentions music is one of his two passions, music not listed among hobbies-

No wonder VMP is in the toilet, it’s being ran by an American bulldog named Hoss.
"I am currently CFO at Vinyl Me, Please where I get to combine my two passions of startup finance and music. When not working, I can be found skiing, working on old cars, or starting businesses with my dog Hoss, an American Bulldog. "

-mentions music is one of his two passions, music not listed among hobbies-


"And wearing sunglasses on my linked in profile, while begging for money and talking hip hep muzak"