Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Have to say that this year has been a serious decline for VMP. The pressing plant fiasco, the stupid mystery boxes, the curation has gotten pretty bad (two months in a row swapping for credit), there’s seemingly no big ticket exclusives any more (particular VMP only exclusives), and now this. If my account wasn’t up right when they’re making these changes, I would have requested the refund (and still might).
Have to say that this year has been a serious decline for VMP. The pressing plant fiasco, the stupid mystery boxes, the curation has gotten pretty bad (two months in a row swapping for credit), there’s seemingly no big ticket exclusives any more (particular VMP only exclusives), and now this. If my account wasn’t up right when they’re making these changes, I would have requested the refund (and still might).
I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, especially for the price of an international sub.
The Impulse delays were pretty much it for me. I have zero enthusiasm to rejoin at any point in the near future. Honestly though, the price point of collecting as a whole (along with major life purchases like buying a new dwelling) has made me cut back to the point where I am just going to sit back and enjoy what I have. My wife okay'd a new player (thinking of a Carbon EVO), but as far as record purchases themselves I have pretty much gone from like $200-300/mo down to zero for the past couple of months. VMP is definitely getting no money from me.
If my account wasn’t up right when they’re making these changes, I would have requested the refund (and still might).

My 12-month renewal is up at the end of next month. If it wasn't for the free records, I might not even have done the last one. Along with the curation issues (which clearly aren't going to be fixed under Matt) and the new changes to "Classics" (ibid) and the overall cost (ibid), it's incredibly hard to justify a membership.

On the liner notes issue, the major complaint from members was that they'd jam the book inside, distending the jacket & possibly affecting the record. Yes, the quality of writing varied (ibid), but I expected that. This switch to a generic zine is the wrong 'fix', imho, and seeing as how the vast majority of them will immediately be tossed, a bit ironic alongside their celebration of not having to dump a bunch of unsold records in a landfill.
Man I’m really going to miss the Country sub. They’ve barely scratched the surface of what the genre has to offer. And it’s ending on such a whimper too.

My sub is up in September and I was already on the fence about renewing. But this may be a good time to part ways with VMP for a while at least. I’ve been buying less and less from them the last year.