Day 10 / 2024.S7.E10 - Ten People, Ten Colors (十人十色)
This is mentaiko (明太子; spicy pollack roe), the first food I tasted in Japan. I asked the waiter in this izakaya for a recommendation, and he suggested it. While I enjoy it and certainly don’t mind having it as part of a Japanese meal, my younger brother and father were grossed out after the first bite. Relating to the episode title, it is a Japanese proverb meaning that in a diverse world that we have, everyone has the right to their own opinions; “to each their own.”
Play a record you enjoy that maybe the general consensus has a mixed (or even negative!) impression on. Maybe even the N&G consensus!
So here's my sushi story. I did not have very much exposure to Japanese cuisine before my arrival. Really, I didn't even have much Asian cuisine in general. So I made it a mission to fully dive into the culture and food as much as possible. I ate nothing but traditional Japanese food for a month. Most of it was good, some of it, I had no idea what it was but ate it anyway. One day after my first month, I got really sick. My job mentor took me to a doctor and it was decided I had some food poisoning or bad food and prescribed me some antibiotics. I did get better eventually after a few days. So my personal decision was to supplement my diet with at lease once a week traditional American food. Fortunately Japan does KFC and McDonalds better than the old USA, so I had some choices. Their take on American pizza, however was sometimes a bit puzzling. One pizza chain was basically the same as Dominos or Pizza hut. There was one pizza place I tried that literally put hot dogs (sliced the long way) for their sausage pizza. That was a regrettable decision after a night of heavy drinking...
Anyway, on to the challenge. My very first exposure to sushi! I really did not know what to expect, but I went to a random izakaya and ordered pretty much one of everything to go. This was a good standard establishment where there was just one bar with a couple of side tables and the sushi chef. I had a nice chat with a local patron and left to go home my dorm room. I tried everything and liked most of it. The squid and octopus was very new sensation of chewy and sticky. The others were very nice and oishii (delicious). Eventually I have came to liking squid and octopus, but they are usually not my first choice. Hamachi (yellow fin tuna) is my favorite, as well as hotate (scallops-the large ones).
I think this is a pic of one of my first sushi experiences, but not 100% sure. It does not look like octopus is in there, but it might be the one with the thin band of seaweed, and squid is the white one. Tuna is the red one, mackerel is the silvery one (another very strong tasting fish). There is the yellow stripe that is scrambled egg, tamago. And some shrimp. The rolls and the fried triangle thing, I have no idea what they were. The pinkish thing on the bottom is pickled ginger, you're supposed to eat a slice between each sushi to cleans the palate.
One more thing with sushi... eat it however you like! There are "rules" but it does not really matter as long as you enjoy it!
Onto the challenge....
A record that I like that some folks may not....
Wet Leg
They were instantly popular last year, but I think there was some undue criticism. I think the band just wanted to have fun and maybe some critics wanted something more, disgusted by it, or outright dismissed them. I like it for what it is, fun and delicious.