Definitive Audiophile pressings

First off, I know the documents are around here somewhere so if you'd just relax I will find them. They're probably under that pile of goat carcasses over there...
Second off sometimes it takes a minute to ascertain just what it is you want, as you Welsh are very difficult to understand.
I don't really know the hierarchy over there. Did he just slam you by calling you Welsh?
High and rising property values, a historic book of non performing loans from the 2008 crash that can be bought at low cost, soft touch application of minimal regulation and low corporation tax.
Get out of Ireland, you yankee vultures! That does sound like a horrible slog.
Oh no, in small claims court he'd likely win a judgment of $8 plus all of the court costs, including the filing and service fees. I love small claims court. When I clerked for a state court judge, it was my favorite part of the job.
I’m a volunteer mediator of small claims cases. The cases are surprisingly interesting and challenging to mediate. Stakes are small, but emotions and principles are through the roof! Unfortunately, too many are not pleasant — people in bizarre, down-and-out circumstances — can‘t pay medical bills, utilities, rent, whatever, and they’re really suffering, and the creditor has a debt collection agency repping the matter, and the debt collectors don’t get paid to care.

My worst example was a divorcee wife whose name was on the utility bills, but her husband kept the house. He didn’t change the name on the account, didn’t pay the utility bills, and didn’t tell her. She had no clue bc she wasn’t seeing the bills and, like any normal person, assumed the homeowner was obligated to pay for utilities. The util companies sued to collect from her, which they’re statutorily entitled to do bc the account was in her name and, of course the utility companies lobbied for strict liability statutory protections. Her only recourse was to pay the bills (they agreed to a very long payment plan, thankfully) and sue her ex. Bonkers and awful.
I saw some chat here earlier about Soultrane and thought some of you might get a kick over the artwork for the UK pressing that I recently acquired. Rather than the blue/green strip with Coltrane's photo, a Ralph Steadman (of Hunter S Thompson fame) steam train cartoon is used for the cover art.

Esquire almost always changed the cover art for their releases and quite a lot of the time they ended up being more interesting than the originals. Weirdly, there seems to be a niche corner of the jazz world where people specifically hunt down and pay silly money for these pressings. I have read quite a few comments of Esquire pressings being better than the US counterparts, but my view is that it's a placebo effect because they used the exact same master metalwork, right down to the catalogue number and RVG stamp (when present). The only variation would be the quality of the vinyl used, but how much of a difference there was there isn't something I can comment on.

What I will say is that it sounds bloody good. Really, really good. I don't have another pressing to compare to though but I'm more than happy with this one.

IMG_3845 2.JPG
It does appear to be, though I would also guess some stragglers are probably in the better stocked locals. I'd also be surprised if it's not in the repress queue.

I managed to snag a copy from Comeback Vinyl. It may have been their last one. Arrived today, so excited to spin it.
Just picked up this 2xLP pressing of Om Advaitic Songs. It's phenomenal. Pressed at 45rpm. Just a huge sound from Al Cisnero's bass. Plenty of eastern instrumentation from Robert Wiki Aubrey Lowe (among others). Top notch mastering from John Golden, with some engineering from Steve Albini (and others). If you're a fan of stoner metal, Sleep, doom, etc. this album is a fun listen. Top notch pressing. Definitely sounds as good as other audiophile pressings I own. Highly recommended!

2012 Drag City Records

Do any of y'all have the MOV or Legacy cut of Robert Johnson King Of The Delta Blues? It's the same plates, but just curious about sound.

EDIT- and an addendum to this question. Does anyone know what European pressing plant has these same label rings as United? This is a EU press, but the label looks like United, but it uses the MOV plates. I've looked through RTI, RI, MPO, Optimal and Pallas and none of them have the rings that I can see...

Also no I don't know why in gods name they decided to press a Robert Johnson blues album from 1936 on turquoise vinyl.
No I don't like it either but there isn't a black version.
Yes okay fine there is a MOV black version from years ago but I'm not going to go looking specifically for that black vinyl one simply because the turquoise is stupid AF.
Yes it bothers me but I'm not going to waste my time trying to find the other o-OKAY FINE FINE I'LL TRY TO FIND THE OTHER ONE OMG YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS
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Edit: They r selling quick but they may have just added some more. 🤔. And all in the same drop….

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Do any of y'all have the MOV or Legacy cut of Robert Johnson King Of The Delta Blues? It's the same plates, but just curious about sound.

EDIT- and an addendum to this question. Does anyone know what European pressing plant has these same label rings as United? This is a EU press, but the label looks like United, but it uses the MOV plates. I've looked through RTI, RI, MPO, Optimal and Pallas and none of them have the rings that I can see...
View attachment 126532

Also no I don't know why in gods name they decided to press a Robert Johnson blues album from 1936 on turquoise vinyl.
No I don't like it either but there isn't a black version.
Yes okay fine there is a MOV black version from years ago but I'm not going to go looking specifically for that black vinyl one simply because the turquoise is stupid AF.
Yes it bothers me but I'm not going to waste my time trying to find the other o-OKAY FINE FINE I'LL TRY TO FIND THE OTHER ONE OMG YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS

The LP pressing rings site says some RI pressings have 29mm/70mm rings, but I looked through a half dozen of mine and I couldn't find any to see if the 70mm ring has the same kind of raised outer ring as United. All of my RI I looked at are 29mm rings only.
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The LP pressing rings site says some RI pressings have 29mm/70mm rings, but I looked through a half dozen of mine and I couldn't find any to see if the 70mm ring has the same kind of raised outer ring as United. All of my RI I looked at are 29mm rings only.
Record Industry would absolutely make sense because it's using the MOV plates. So I bet that's it. It's the first place I checked on cogs but couldn't find any with the rings...