Definitive Audiophile pressings

It absolutely sucks Tidal does not have high res for them. It's "only" CD quality. Which to be honest still beats a fair share of the vinyl. Where do you stream them in high res?

Honestly. Even the lossless downloads with the vinyl or Apple Music/Qobuz didn’t have all of them hi res. I think it was OKNOTOK version and the three from In Rainbows on at 24/44 and the rest was still 16/44.
true--i ended up buying opened/used copies of some of their later album reissues to avoid all the inconsistencies. it's really frustrating. seems like they really care about the sound when the album is made and then once they're done with it, they're like fuck it--we don't care how it sounds now.
I had a few, but honestly I just reverted to sticking to the CDs which all sound really good to me. Especially Kid A and OK Computer.
Did you ever check out that Bends that your local had?
I did, two things. He had it miss labeled as UK when it appeared to be an early Capitol US press. Also it had a nice scratch all the way through the end of side 2. I picked up a NM Wish You Were Here CBS Half Speed from there a week ago and it's stellar and was $140 CAD which is fairly well under market value these days but I'm still a little iffy about the "grading" at this place. Mainly the fact that there is none. It's "priced accordingly", which is a handy way of never actually needing to take accountability for the condition of anything in the store. He gets some great stuff but you definitely have to look pretty carefully before buying.
I did, two things. He had it miss labeled as UK when it appeared to be an early Capitol US press. Also it had a nice scratch all the way through the end of side 2. I picked up a NM Wish You Were Here CBS Half Speed from there a week ago and it's stellar and was $140 CAD which is fairly well under market value these days but I'm still a little iffy about the "grading" at this place. Mainly the fact that there is none. It's "priced accordingly", which is a handy way of never actually needing to take accountability for the condition of anything in the store. He gets some great stuff but you definitely have to look pretty carefully before buying.

Which store was this? Just curious (as you know, I did the rounds there downtown a few weeks ago). I was close to picking up a REM Document at one place - it was graded NM but there was a hairline scratch right through the last track. Might have still played without anything audible, but hard to tell without trying it out. Not singling them out or anything... I'm sure we all learned to at least look for anything visible before buying though.
And yeah, Radiohead is a massive minefield. I have two copies of the Diskbox and each have different defects (one LP1 side 2, one on LP1 side 1) - I guess I could frankenstein the playback. I quite like the Parlophone The Bends @Joe Mac suggested. The 10" copy of Kid A @Mather sent me is also quite good and I'm fine with the Amnesiac 2x45rpm that was out there. My OKNOTOK is so-so, but serviceable. KIDAMNESIA was a disaster. But but, the new LP by The Smile is actually a really great pressing.

EDIT: oh, and my white copy of A Moon Shaped Pool is ok but a little too noisy for my tastes with a quiet album like this.
Which store was this? Just curious (as you know, I did the rounds there downtown a few weeks ago). I was close to picking up a REM Document at one place - it was graded NM but there was a hairline scratch right through the last track. Might have still played without anything audible, but hard to tell without trying it out. Not singling them out or anything... I'm sure we all learned to at least look for anything visible before buying though.
It's "Tiny Record Shop" on Queen East of Broadview. I really like the store and there are some fair prices and some great vintage finds, especially hip hop.. but as nothing is actually graded you really do have to be careful and have a good hard look at everything.
I took a couple pieces of advice from this thread. I cancelled the two orders I made with MOFI for the Pretenders and The Cars albums I had been wanting to get. I just looked over at my multiple Kallax full of records I don't play enough and thought how much would I actually play these two? Plus, I could always try to find some OG pressings if I really wanted these on vinyl.
And now I have two MOFI packages in my house because they shipped these the same day I cancelled them and got the refund. Good thing I'm honest and try to have good karma. Contacted them and am waiting on two return labels. But it reminded me I needed to cancel Still Bill as well. Don't need that when I already have his greatest hits.
Depends on the company. With some I’m ok, it’s me claiming the taxes that they should have paid into the country already…
I agree. I wouldn't screw over a small label or artist directly either, and I've sent stuff back when it's come my way by error. I was mostly joking, but given my experiences with MD customer service I might have just considered those as compensation for all the damages.
I picked up this pressing of Legend (2xLP 75th Anniversary from 2019) in the recent UDiscover sale for pretty cheap. I have a few others - the 2010 tri-coulored issue with the hemp sack bag and a 1989 US pressing that has a few alternate versions of a couple songs - but the 75th 2xLP sounds really great! Felt that there was a lot more separation. The clav on Could You Be Loved sounds so clear. The additional bonus tracks are a great addition, too.

Anyone have the 2021 reissue of Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient? Looks like it is pressed at Takt (Poland?). I never trust Discogs reviews. “Except for the 7 issues with non-fill, this record sounds AMAZING!!”
I have this and to me it sounds great. I don't recall any pressing issues
I picked up this pressing of Legend (2xLP 75th Anniversary from 2019) in the recent UDiscover sale for pretty cheap. I have a few others - the 2010 tri-coulored issue with the hemp sack bag and a 1989 US pressing that has a few alternate versions of a couple songs - but the 75th 2xLP sounds really great! Felt that there was a lot more separation. The clav on Could You Be Loved sounds so clear. The additional bonus tracks are a great addition, too.

I picked up the Half Speed - Legend and it sounds pretty good to me. Not amazing but several of the tracks are not well-recorded. Overall it's great if you can get it for ~$30

Just here to vent that I've just returned Radiohead-In Rainbows for the 9th time and counting from 3 different retailers (amazon, Walmart, and acoustic sounds) because they were all badly warped — except one which had the worst surface noise I've ever heard on a new unopened record. The lord does not want me to have this album on vinyl.
Just buy the Discbox and be done with it.