Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I would actually love to know what you base this on, because I have had this argument before.
For me it comes down to this: if it's power, yes, Beyoncé wins. If it is control, Solange by a wide margin. Solange hits the same notes (higher even) without sounding like she is straining.
Beyoncé has better control and tone than Solange... and more range while we’re at it.
She can hit and sustain lower notes better than her sister too. The control over her high notes is great too. Solange is more of a soprano than Beyoncé but that doesn’t mean she has more range.

This is based on my ears. Lol. I think Solo is talented and they’re on the same level musically..but Beyoncé is one of the best of her time as a vocalist. I think she’s very skilled and knows how to use her voice well.
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