Political Discussion

The more I learn about Walz, the more I like him. (Had never even heard of him until last month) The more I hear about Shapiro, the more I hope he isn't her pick. That said, if it gets her to 270 easier, I'm all for him.
Same. And I will be fully onboard with Shapiro if he is the choice. I just think Kamala is enough to win most states and why alienate anyone that you might need for places like Michigan? The problem is money will probably win out here and the big donors are more onboard with Shapiro. Walz is just that rare politician that actually makes you like politicians.
USA Today is reporting that three sources have informed them that it's down to Walz or Shapiro for VP. One who will definitely alienate part of the Democratic coalition and one who may alienate some big dollar donors.

The cynic in me, after years of the Democrats abuse, thinks this is a foregone conclusion, but maybe Harris will buck the trend and try to keep the grassroots motivated.

For how unimportant the VP spot historically is, I feel like she should throw us a bone.
Fully expecting disappointment in this area. Will be funny watching them trip over themselves trying to defend Josh's handling of sexual harassment like they didn't know or whatever.
You guys are all too (understandably) pessimistic.

I think they go with Walz. Overall he is the most Midwestern white guy on the list. Shapiro could very well give them PA but he seems more like a Philly guy than a Pittsburgh guy. Nothing to stop Shapiro from being a surrogate for PA even if he’s not the pick but Walz will reassured WI and MI moreso the Shapiro.
Not that Google having dominance over the search engine market but is this really the most pressing issue for the Justice Department?

They employ enough lawyers to have multiple fronts. No sense employing a division to look at monopolistic practices if they don't make use of it. Google's not even the worst offender though and I have doubts it'll hold up on appeal, but a little competition in the search space would be nice since Google started to suck more. Don't give a crap about ad revenue monopolization tho.
They employ enough lawyers to have multiple fronts. No sense employing a division to look at monopolistic practices if they don't make use of it. Google's not even the worst offender though and I have doubts it'll hold up on appeal, but a little competition in the search space would be nice since Google started to suck more. Don't give a crap about ad revenue monopolization tho.
I know but this is not the shit anybody is worried about other than the former Trump administration since it was filed by them. Never talked to a single human being that said man you know what I’d really wish the government would go after Google. So many more monopolies out there that actually affect human lives and livelihoods.
I know but this is not the shit anybody is worried about other than the former Trump administration since it was filed by them. Never talked to a single human being that said man I really wish the government would go after Google. So many more monopolies out there that actually affect human lives and livelihoods.
I only care about it insofar as I'm all about breaking up these behemoth monopolies that control so much of our data and influence us in ways most of us never realize. You aren't wrong that there are better targets, but the DOJ hasn't gone after monopolies or had much success at it in a long ass time. So if this puts a little fear in the corps and gets the DOJ fired up to go after some of the others then I support it.
You all watch. If Walz is the pick, the right will immediately barrage us with 2020 images of Minneapolis after George Floyd was murdered. It will play to the same fears Trump tried to invoke back then about black people rioting in your precious suburbs. The same naked racism that led to people being afraid of "Antifa brick piles" here in DFW suburbs like Frisco...which ended up being construction workers piles of brick that they were using to create a new wall for a subdivision.
You all watch. If Walz is the pick, the right will immediately barrage us with 2020 images of Minneapolis after George Floyd was murdered. It will play to the same fears Trump tried to invoke back then about black people rioting in your precious suburbs. The same naked racism that led to people being afraid of "Antifa brick piles" here in DFW suburbs like Frisco...which ended up being construction workers piles of brick that they were using to create a new wall for a subdivision.

I think it’ll be Shapiro, but I still want it to be Kelly as personally I think he cuts off more lines of attack than brings.
Why do we care about illegitimate lines of attack? They're going to go low and make even just make shit up no matter who it is. Why plan your strategy based on what they might say about you instead of the actual quality of the candidate?
Please be right
