Political Discussion

I have to admit, even knowing very little about Walz a few weeks ago, it definitely seems like he was the most progressive of the names floated and I really enjoy his talking style. It seems far more like a guy next door kind of person than a politician and someone you can enjoy having a beer with. Plus I think this helps bring the party together in a way that Shapiro would not have done. And I'm a lot more interested in hearing him on the campaign trail than Harris. She's been much better off the teleprompter, but she's not as good off the cuff and Walz seems like he is great in that environment. Over all this fires me up a lot more than just defeating Trump (which is huge, but a negative not a positive reason).
They can't seem to move away form nominating people who old can they.

Arguably the best governor in the country and sort of a diet Bernie Sanders without the S word or the old age (he's 60).

He's a great speaker. Funny & authenitic. Hunts and is from a very small town orginally. But most importantly, got shit done.

He's also the orgin of the Republicans are Wierd campaign.