Political Discussion

I think it's a brilliant move because you show the progressive wing that you hear them. You don't anger the youth by picking the pro-Israel VP. You can use Shapiro to help bring in PA without having him as the nominee. It's all hands on deck now. Cooper in NC, Beshear in MAGA country. Kelly in Arizona. Georgia is ripe for the taking because Trump is a petty moron. The path to win is clear. Just stay on message and don't answer Trump's cat calls. The choice will become more and more clear for people as you give Trump the rope to hang himself.
I mean I know he brings it up in immigration but he talks about how great Hannibal is.
“My friend Hannibal came over. I call him Hannibal, some call him Dr. Lechter, ok? Wonderful doctor. He brought a young man with him, a chubby man. Said his name was Kyle Rittenhouse. Never heard of him. He approached me with tears in his eyes and said “sir, you’re the greatest president ever. Please save us from Kamala Harris” or as I call her, Laughing Kamala.

*holds for applause*

I said ok. Hannibal then said we would eat him and hit him many times in the back of the head. Beautiful blood pouring out of his head. Not as much as when I “got shot” but that’s ok. He took out his liver and put it on a plate. I said I wanted mine well done. I put some ketchup on it and we ate his liver, ok. It was a beautiful liver. Not as big as mine but that’s ok. I ate it with fries and a Diet Coke. Hannibal had beans and wine. It was an incredible meal, the best meal.”

*holds for applause*
Is that video from back in 2019? Does he or does he not still have a teenage daughter?
She was born in 2001 so she's out of her teens.

Another great antidote to Vance, Walz and his wife had children late thanks to IVF. He named her Hope for that reason. He can speak directly to how IVF being banned will destroy couples who want to have kids but aren't able by natural means. You know that thing the right seems desperate to want Americans do to...have more children.