Political Discussion

I love that this is the most damning thing they can find on the guy…
If you live in the Midwest you have a friend or family member with at least one DUI. Obviously a mistake, but one that MANY have dealt with before. The fact that he only has a single DUI and gave up drinking as a result tells you everything you need to know about him. My Mom has been dating her next door neighbor for over 25 years. During that time he received multiple DUIs eventually permanently losing his license but even the he didn’t quit drinking, instead he turned his garage into a literal bar, added HVAC, Pool table and multiple fridges fully stock with beer. Most of his drinking buddies are have had multiple DUIs and are also big time MAGA supporters.
sad to lose him as our governor, but excited for the rest of the country to get to know him. i am honestly and pleasantly surprised this was the decision.

44 year old peggy flanagan is our lieutenant governor. she will become the first native american woman governor in the country, and minnesota's first female governor. she got her politcal start in college working for the paul wellstone campaign.

we'll be in good hands.
He quit drinking after that DUI. If the right wants to compare crimes committed and how the person changed or didn't after that then let's go. And fuck the NY Post. The Trump version of the NY Times.
They were running a piece about Harris’ husband having an affair during his first marriage (long before he met Kamala), which he acknowledged.

Funny the things they want to vilify considering who their nominee is.