Political Discussion

I don’t see why this speech would detract from anything they are saying and I would think giving them the two minutes or so to present it would reinforce some of what they’ve been trying to say about Harris the last couple of days while giving the issue a national stage and showing that being pro-Palestine is not antisemitic.

I know the woman who convinced the 4 delagates to sneak in the "Stop Arming Isreal Banner". We used to run in the same activist circles in LA and I caught dinner with her than went to Drop Sites launch fundraiser (she's friends with Russ Grimm which is why he was the photographer involved).

All of that to say that the way the media is covering this shit is causing PTSD from 2016. Like anyone is the press who is claiming they weren't delegates and snuck in is fucking lying.

Meanwhile, on my drive home last night NPR claimed there hadn't been any protests inside the convention.

There's a clip of a woman (one of the delegates?) saying the names and ages of the Palastinian children killed as people were leaving the DNC and people were covering their ears, laughing and mocking her.
I don’t see why this speech would detract from anything they are saying and I would think giving them the two minutes or so to present it would reinforce some of what they’ve been trying to say about Harris the last couple of days while giving the issue a national stage and showing that being pro-Palestine is not antisemitic.

I'm guessing it's partly because they worry they'll go off script and say some things that will anger people but mostly because they just like Israel a lot for some reason.
Speaking of Trump, is there some way I can elect not to get these damn flyers his campaign is sending to my house?
Way back in the day of Columbia Record club, when I forgot to return the card with teh selection of the month and had no money to pay for a record, I used to cross out my name / address and write on the package: "Not wanted, Return to sender" or something to that effect.

It would go back to them and I paid nothing.

I think it might still work - just cross out your name and address and write on it "addressee unknown" or something like that. In a just world, even though it's a bulk mailing, the dump campaign would have to pick up return postage. I'm going to try that for every gop mailing I receive.
There's a clip of a woman (one of the delegates?) saying the names and ages of the Palastinian children killed as people were leaving the DNC and people were covering their ears, laughing and mocking her.
Just as there were supposedly “very fine people on both sides” there are very bad people on both sides. These would be some of them.

Just as there were supposedly “very fine people on both sides” there are very bad people on both sides. These would be some of them.

Yeah, I don’t care what he says a few sentences later… there were no fine people participating in the neo-nazi rally. There are actually bad actors on both sides of the aisle.
Found it:
