Political Discussion

Tomorrow narative:

Now's not the time to talk about gun control.
Let's buy more guns before the dems take them away.
This is why we need Trump in office, this would never happen under Trump.
Yeah but I imagine this is only motivating to the people who are already voting for Trump, that's not the battle they would be focusing on. This messaging wouldn't go over with undecided female voters in the middle of Republican and Democrat, this messaging would likely scare the fuck out of them right into Kamala's hands.
Reports every day is they are bleed GOP voters so they’ve got to hit them at the base. Logically, Republican platforms haven’t made since post Reagan.
Someday, we'll deal with gun violence in a way that makes sense, is agreeable to all sides, and protects the 2nd Amendment rights that horny gun types feel is more important than kids being able to go to school without fear of getting blown away. But not today. Probably not tomorrow either. We wouldn't want to politicize this tragedy. We should only offer thoughts and prayers to a God that seemingly lets this happen. Oh but wait, we should also have more God in school. Because God being in people's lives never led to terrible things happening to others in the past, especially not in God's name.
Someday, we'll deal with gun violence in a way that makes sense, is agreeable to all sides, and protects the 2nd Amendment rights that horny gun types feel is more important than kids being able to go to school without fear of getting blown away. But not today. Probably not tomorrow either. We wouldn't want to politicize this tragedy. We should only offer thoughts and prayers to a God that seemingly lets this happen. Oh but wait, we should also have more God in school. Because God being in people's lives never led to terrible things happening to others in the past, especially not in God's name.

Yep last time I checked somebody crashed 3 airplanes into buildings and killed 3,000 people all in the name of their God to say nothing of things like the Crusades or Manifest Destiny.
Yep last time I checked somebody crashed 3 airplanes into buildings and killed 3,000 people all in the name of their God to say nothing of things like the Crusades or Manifest Destiny.
And yet, we fundamentally changed so much about American society, our right to privacy, and what is required before you can board an airplane because of those actions. We created an entire government agency because of it. Yet, we will do nothing about a homegrown terror because we have some who only care about their sacred right to firearms. The calculus was decided long ago that kids' lives are possibly sacrificial if it means we can keep as much readily available access to weaponry as legally possible.
And yet, we fundamentally changed so much about American society, our right to privacy, and what is required before you can board an airplane because of those actions. We created an entire government agency because of it. Yet, we will do nothing about a homegrown terror because we have some who only care about their sacred right to firearms. The calculus was decided long ago that kids' lives are possibly sacrificial if it means we can keep as much readily available access to weaponry as legally possible.

Well said sadly. If they weren't going to do anything after Sandy Hook, they aren't ever going to do anything about it.
Of course this because it's so sadly true.

A 14 year old kid killed two students and two teachers. They're already saying that they'll try him as an adult. How they can say that at this stage is beyond me and could just be crappy media reporting, but I'm appalled either way. The little asshole took four lives today, caused immeasurable harm on so many others, and nothing can bring them back, least of all taking an underdeveloped brain and acting like it was a full on rational thinking adult who fully comprehended the consequences of these actions and that any punishment we give out will serve the purpose it's supposed to for him and for us.

There's no justice to be found in these cases of mass murder. Only the further injustice we do to ourselves by pretending that acting like they were either totally insane or a grown ass adult is the way to solve this problem and bring the victims peace.
If the firearm used was one he obtained because his parents own them and they were in an unsecured location, they need to be charged with some form of criminal negligence. We've got to stop acting like nothing can be done to secure firearms. If you can't secure them properly, you run the risk of being put in jail if they are used in a crime. Of course that won't happen because the rights of the firearm owner supercede any other rights. The side that can do something, since they run these states that mass shootings are happening in, will do nothing because at the end of the day they really do not care if kids live or die. They just need to come out and say it. Their right to own firearms cannot be impeded, controlled, or made more strict even if means your child has to possibly die. Then we can decide if we as a nation care enough to stop voting these people into high positions of power.
If the firearm used was one he obtained because his parents own them and they were in an unsecured location, they need to be charged with some form of criminal negligence. We've got to stop acting like nothing can be done to secure firearms. If you can't secure them properly, you run the risk of being put in jail if they are used in a crime. Of course that won't happen because the rights of the firearm owner supercede any other rights. The side that can do something, since they run these states that mass shootings are happening in, will do nothing because at the end of the day they really do not care if kids live or die. They just need to come out and say it. Their right to own firearms cannot be impeded, controlled, or made more strict even if means your child has to possibly die. Then we can decide if we as a nation care enough to stop voting these people into high positions of power.
Well all these fucking southern states have no safe storage laws and permitless carry. Always making it easier and easier to get a gun instead of harder.
And to make matters worse, the 14 year old shooter was investigated by the FBI when he was 13 in connection with a school shooting threat. His father stated he had hunting rifles in the house but his son had no access to them. The FBI did not have probable cause to take the case any further and since Georgia has no red flag laws, the firearms in the house were allowed to stay there.

Again, even sensible gun laws are not allowed because they could lead to stricter laws that could thwart access to firearms. This is a problem that our country should be able to come together and at least work towards sensible solutions.
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