Political Discussion

Just think bigger, guys. There's significantly more to this world and to politics than the American political binary. Vote for Kamala, by all means, if it'll help you sleep at night but be prepared to follow through the effects of your vote with action. Because people will still be burning alive in Gaza, police will still be cracking heads of students speaking out against it, people will still be detained at the border, and we're just going to keep inching further right until we decide to put a foot down.
I swear Covid has created a fog where people don't remember just how bad it was under Trump. And that was a time when people were actively getting in his way to put the brakes on his worst impulses. That won't be the case the 2nd time. If you can't see that, you are sticking your head clearly in the sand.
That’s the thing. It wasn’t that long ago. I was there. I remember how close we flirted with the end.

If people think that is for the best, they want to burn it down and start again, they have much more faith in humanity than do I.

I think what would come next following the collapse of American Democracy would be much much worse.
Correct, but it’s by far the easiest and the thing that has the largest impact. If someone is not willing to grab that “first rung” they might be making it tougher for them and others to grab hold of rungs further up the ladder.
With how much it's been talked to death for 30 pages in this thread, you'd really think it was the only thing.

I swear Covid has created a fog where people don't remember just how bad it was under Trump. And that was a time when people were actively getting in his way to put the brakes on his worst impulses. That won't be the case the 2nd time. If you can't see that, you are sticking your head clearly in the sand.
Nah, covid just helped me realize how bad all of it is.
Just think bigger, guys. There's significantly more to this world and to politics than the American political binary. Vote for Kamala, by all means, if it'll help you sleep at night but be prepared to follow through the effects of your vote with action. Because people will still be burning alive in Gaza, police will still be cracking heads of students speaking out against it, people will still be detained at the border, and we're just going to keep inching further right until we decide to put a foot down.
We agree on this.
When Trump was president it felt like I was living in the origin story of The Purge. I would really like not feeling that way again. Especially, since he is essentially stumping that the police get their own personal Purge.
When Trump was president it felt like I was living in the origin story of The Purge. I would really like not feeling that way again. Especially, since he is essentially stumping that the police get their own personal Purge.
I feel like if he gets his way he would treat Democrats like Israel treats Palestinians. History is filled with places where people said it can't happen here until it did.
Just think bigger, guys. There's significantly more to this world and to politics than the American political binary. Vote for Kamala, by all means, if it'll help you sleep at night but be prepared to follow through the effects of your vote with action. Because people will still be burning alive in Gaza, police will still be cracking heads of students speaking out against it, people will still be detained at the border, and we're just going to keep inching further right until we decide to put a foot down.

Bernie Sanders is gonna vote for Kamala Harris, so is most of the Leftist Democrats in congress. I think sometimes you have to be pragmatic so you can have the opportunity to be an Idealistic down the line.
Bernie Sanders is gonna vote for Kamala Harris, so is most of the Leftist Democrats in congress. I think sometimes you have to be pragmatic so you can have the opportunity to be an Idealistic down the line.

Or sometimes you just have to be preagmatic because shooting yourself in the foot is way less fatal than shooting yourself in the head even though both are fundamentally shit.
With how much it's been talked to death for 30 pages in this thread, you'd really think it was the only thing.

Nah, covid just helped me realize how bad all of it is.
It’s because many on here think it’s important. People post things on this thread saying that shit is fucked in the Middle East and most everyone agrees. What they don’t agree with is voting for Harris is just as bad as voting for Trump. It’s when the criticism is posited in such a way that me and others feel we need to reply.
Or sometimes you just have to be preagmatic because shooting yourself in the foot is way less fatal than shooting yourself in the head even though both are fundamentally shit.
Exactly. This is all anyone one here has been saying. These are both wounds. Most are not pro foot wound we are anti-head wound. We are gonna be maimed one way or the other come November 5th.
Exactly. This is all anyone one here has been saying. These are both wounds. Most are not pro foot wound we are anti-head wound. We are gonna be maimed one way or the other come November 5th.

Yes but shoot yourself in the foot enough times and you’re also fucked. You’re drifting ever rightward and in two or three elections time the trump equivalent is a dem and god knows what is on the other side. You’re uncritically transferring a whole lot of power to a cop because she’s not Donald Trump.
Feel like I'm insane continually reading takes like that here. "Could be worse with the other guy" like have you actually seen any of the shit that's happening?

Oh and also, while not as egregious, they’re now taking deliberate pot shots at UN peacekeepers for the lols becuaee who’s going to stop them. Thats a strange and worrying departure.

Also, news flash above rhere were mass graves outside Kiev in 2022 and Ukraine is on the verge of collapse right now because of the staggering indifference of the Biden regime.
That’s a deeply offensive comment. Actually open your fucking eyes and read and look at what’s actually happening in Gaza. It’s the end of days.
Trump’s rhetoric has certainly flirted with the idea.
The idea that he represents “real Americans” is something that he has suggested a lot.

I don’t think what @Twentytwo was saying is in any way making light of the atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli government in Gaza. It speaks a modern apartheid state and how its always a possibility if the wrong people gain power.