Political Discussion

Sure but in their delusional minds, everything was justified because Trump was being wronged.


The Good News: One less corporate tool in the tax payer funded nursing home. Hopefully Ro Khana or Katie Porter runs.

The Bad News: All of Biden's judicial appointments are dead now.

Like RBG, Nancy's refusal to retire leaves us fucked now that she is dead. But unlike RBG, her legacy (which is strong on things like torture and gay rights) was already tarnished via 25 years of serving corporate interests without a second thought.

The Good News: One less corporate tool in the tax payer funded nursing home. Hopefully Ro Khana or Katie Porter runs.

The Bad News: All of Biden's judicial appointments are dead now.

Like RBG, Nancy's refusal to retire leaves us fucked now that she is dead. But unlike RBG, her legacy (which is strong on things like torture and gay rights) was already tarnished via 25 years of serving corporate interests without a second thought.
Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Katie Porter have already officially been in the running for seat for a while now. It doesn't look like Lee will surpass either of them in polling, but that could change.
Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Katie Porter have already officially been in the running for seat for a while now. It doesn't look like Lee will surpass either of them in polling, but that could change.

Lee would actually be my choice of the three as far as voting record. But I worry about her and Porter canceling out votes AND believe in Porter as somebody who can become viewed a leader of the party (because she is such a great speaker) even if she is more centrist than I would like.

I left CA two years ago but I'd have to think hard on that vote.

Either way, I take no shame in shitting all over Feinstein on the day of her death. She epitomized everything wrong with the establishment wing of the Democratic Party and all of these decrepit Boomers that refuse to relinquish power.
From all accounts she was suffering from obvious cognitive decline for at least half that time, if not all of it. She should have stepped down when that became evident, yes, but after a certain point I put MUCH more of the blame on her handlers/staff/family/fellow Senators for not being more transparent about her inability to serve (and also for using her as a vessel to vote however she was told to vote). Once she was unable to remember her votes or where she was, IMO it's hard to hold her to account for not resigning, because by then it's likely that she was literally incapable of making that decision.

During her last run, I was at a meeting for a local Los Angeles "progressive" group and things got really ugly because the founders of the group (who were Gen X gay men) insisted on endorsing her to the chagrin of every millennial in the room.

We pushed back on her voting record and her age and were basically told "she had the back of gay men when nobody else did and thus we will ALWAYS have her back".

The voters of California share plenty of the blame too.
Except, even in death her legacy is still a stalewart.

As @DownIsTheNewUp pointed out, this effectively halts all of Biden's judicial nominations until she is replaced.

Her legacy is a stale wart.

She was an awful person as mayor of San Francisco and she stayed an awful person until this week. And with one of her final acts being a stubborn refusal to resign her position well after it became evident she was unfit to be in said position, she went out on a pretty horrific note of not serving anything but her own self-interest and entitlement. Fuck her forever. Rot in pieces.
A last ditch effort to prevent a shutdown failed today.

Meanwhile we have McCarthy placing all the blame on the Democrats saying Republicans are here fighting to keep the government open and the Democrats are playing partisan politics and if the government shuts down it will be the Democrats fault.

Another Republican said The Democrats are insisting on lavish spending that nobody asked for.

Todays attempt was the most conservative, biggest cuts budget the Republicans could have ever hoped of passing. And they could have passed it had they had the Far Rights support, who is still holding out.