Political Discussion

Wasn't just Nancy.

All senior dems have been booted from offices in the capital building. They will need to relocate to regular offices in another building.

Sounds petty to me with "sticking it to the democrats" mentality.
Wasn't just Nancy.

All senior dems have been booted from offices in the capital building. They will need to relocate to regular offices in another building.

Sounds petty to me with "sticking it to the democrats" mentality.
Problem is when the house flips, dems will do the same and we will dig into this dumb political climate more.
Heh clearly repubs don’t think they’ll lose the house again. Karma is a bitch and they better be ready.
See. This is a dumb mentality. Just saying. It only works to further divide our government. At some point it will become untenable and we devolve into conflict.
The burden always seems to be on Democrats to be magnanimous and willing to sacrifice principles to appease Republicans who only operate out of the sphere of how they can win to appease their master (Trump). Hell no, they shouldn't have saved McCarthy, especially not after he blamed the almost shutdown on Democrats when they in fact voted to keep the government open.
I guess what I'm getting at with these is that when the left calls for accountability, that's not sowing division. When the left doesn't bend over backwards to save the guy who just launched a fake impeachment hearing, that's not sowing division.

Blaming *everything* your party caused on the left? That's sowing actual division.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t do that. However, what will happen is the dems will get the house and kick all the republicans out of their offices which is neither of those things. It’s just petty.
Here is what the rights take is on the whole office thing, at least according to my father and what he has heard.

When Republicans took control of the house, Nancy should have handed her office over per what has always been done to Kevin McCarthy. She didn't and McCarthy didn't press the issue. So, she's long overdue for eviction.

That doesn't add up to me though. That just seems to be a way to to be petty and make it the democrats fault.
Does your dad think Pelosi was still inhabiting the Speaker's office? She wasn't. In fact McCarthy infamously moved into that office before he was even elected Speaker.

As for the 'hideaway' office in question today, can he cite a single report of Pelosi resisting or 'refusing' to give it up before now?
I love that you expect there to be logic there.
Washington, DC CNN —
Lawmakers and aides arrived for work on Wednesday to find a House of Representatives stuck in freeze-frame, a giant blue screen declaring them “in recess” almost the entire day.

The House calendar remained officially stuck on October 3 – Tuesday – the date when House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted and left the chamber without adjourning.

The interim speaker eventually managed to adjourn the chamber at 3:25 p.m. on Wednesday, but the day of inaction still spoke volumes.

“The House of Representatives is effectively frozen,” Rep. Garret Graves, a Louisiana Republican, told reporters. “We are not able to actually advance legislation. We can’t even refer bills to committees.”

Without an elected speaker, the House is struggling to figure out what it actually can do these days. As speaker pro tempore, Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina can perform tasks like recessing the House, adjourning the chamber and recognizing speaker nominations, according to the House Practices Guide. The situation is unprecedented, though, and many are still working to understand the exact limitations of the role.

Sounds like everything is going well...
This is what the chaos party wanted.

Not my favourite person at the best of times, but Rishi Sunak can eat an extra heaping helping of ass today, and everyday that follows. What a piece of shit.

Screenshot_20231005-094722_Samsung Internet.jpg
Not my favourite person at the best of times, but Rishi Sunak can eat an extra heaping helping of ass today, and everyday that follows. What a piece of shit.

View attachment 183970

I’m also cynical that was not just added in there to draw a certain amount of left wing attention away from the policy shitshow that was the rest of the speech.