Political Discussion

Speaking of insurance. My old doctor has been forced into retirement by insurance companies.

Reason being, he was an old school doctor who still did house calls 1 day a week. Visiting the elderly in rural parts of Western Massachusetts. The insurance companies didn't like that. Many terminated their contracts with him making him out-of-network. Including mine when I was seeing him back in 2015 and my insurance company only allowed for in-network services and only by the primary care provider on file. So I got a lovely "your claim has been rejected due to the provider being terminated in our system prior to the date of service" letter. I could not get the insurance company to budge, couldn't even appeal. Luckily my doctor wrote it off.

Anyways, the force retirement is because he's semi retired these days and only doing house calls. And he can't get a single insurance company to give him malpractice insurance. They just won't cover him because he makes house calls.
Speaking of insurance. My old doctor has been forced into retirement by insurance companies.

Reason being, he was an old school doctor who still did house calls 1 day a week. Visiting the elderly in rural parts of Western Massachusetts. The insurance companies didn't like that. Many terminated their contracts with him making him out-of-network. Including mine when I was seeing him back in 2015 and my insurance company only allowed for in-network services and only by the primary care provider on file. So I got a lovely "your claim has been rejected due to the provider being terminated in our system prior to the date of service" letter. I could not get the insurance company to budge, couldn't even appeal. Luckily my doctor wrote it off.

Anyways, the force retirement is because he's semi retired these days and only doing house calls. And he can't get a single insurance company to give him malpractice insurance. They just won't cover him because he makes house calls.

The doctor(podiatrist)that I currently work for is planning on going completely self pay sometime next year or the following year.
He seems to think that there are enough people that can afford his services and come out of pocket. I’m a little suspect.

After working in medical for almost 14 years now, I’m still amazed that people don’t know how their insurance works.
The doctor(podiatrist)that I currently work for is planning on going completely self pay sometime next year or the following year.
He seems to think that there are enough people that can afford his services and come out of pocket. I’m a little suspect.

After working in medical for almost 14 years now, I’m still amazed that people don’t know how their insurance works.
With HDHPs, a lot of people are seeing their insurance as catastrophic coverage policies. Most people/families are realizing that with normal medical utilization, they don’t meet deductibles, so they’re essentially paying full price for their medical care while also shelling out premiums that really only give them stop loss insurance against a catastrophic event. While it would suck to not be able to apply the doctor’s visit to your deductible, most people are already paying full price for medical services so they have become immune to the sticker shock.

I don’t think it’s that crazy of a plan, especially if he can lower his price because he doesn’t have to deal with insurance companies. My son’s therapist did this and an individual session with her was $85, which is about what I pay to see my therapist per session with my insurance “discount” applied. I could still use my HSA which is the only real benefit of having a HDHP. Other people who had their kids in therapy were paying at least $100/session, so she was a deal, plus she was great with my kid.
Good god there are some insecure man children out there.

It was a viral trend a few years back to "roll coal on Prius".

This news angered the right, like this is some kind of culture war. They are all up in arms about government overreach here. My father included. Who says t"he SCOTUS has already set a presidence about this and will correct this outrageous overreach of power. watch and see".
It was a viral trend a few years back to "roll coal on Prius".

This news angered the right, like this is some kind of culture war. They are all up in arms about government overreach here. My father included. Who says t"he SCOTUS has already set a presidence about this and will correct this outrageous overreach of power. watch and see".

SCOTUS could likely do something that overturns this because they are collectively a backwards pool of conservative extremists who are intent on being the harbingers of imperial collapse.
But still, your dad…🙄🙄🙄
They need to suck it up, shit’s dangerous:

I’ve felt a lot more aggression on the roads since the pandemic began; people seem to not see other people as being real. I’ve been in marked crosswalks and had cars speed up and honk at me. Last week I was almost through crossing a street and a car swerved at me.

SCOTUS could likely do something that overturns this because they are collectively a backwards pool of conservative extremists who are intent on being the harbingers of imperial collapse.
But still, your dad…🙄🙄🙄

In all honesty do ebay even remotely care enough to bring a case through all the various levels of the court system to appeal it to the Supreme Court?
It was a viral trend a few years back to "roll coal on Prius".

This news angered the right, like this is some kind of culture war. They are all up in arms about government overreach here. My father included. Who says t"he SCOTUS has already set a presidence about this and will correct this outrageous overreach of power. watch and see".

Yeah all dads have this drift to the right. Or more the world probably drifts to the left around them. But man, no offence to you, your dad is pretty toxic in his hard right views!