Political Discussion

What a shitshow. Guessing Stefanik is next to fail the ascension ladder.

I intend to put my name forth for House Speaker tomorrow. Figure I've got about as much a shot as any of 'em!
Insane watching this kind of shit play out live in 2023.

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Insane watching this kind of shit play out live in 2023.

View attachment 184629

So many levels of fucked to all of it.

Never got a political text like this before. Usually just same old same old "hi my name is" and "vote for me".

Rent control is a touchy subject in MA.

It was repealed in MA back in 1994 because rent control was thought to "stifle development". It was apparent that we were starting to face a housing crisis. Not just for "low income" housing, but also the working class. There was not a lot of apartments being built for housing, and this was causing an issue where companies were pulling out of Boston and new ones didn't want to move in. Because housing would be an issue for employees.

Landlords and developers all said that rent control was the issue. That building apartments was not profitable.

The 30 years since rent control was repealed housing has only gotten worse. There is still very much a lack of housing available, and the type of housing built has entirely shifted to ultra luxury requiring a salary of $100,000 or more to afford. Every single attempt to build low income housing, senior housing or working class housing has failed in Salem and the same is true in much of the state.

No rent control, along with state law that requires a supermajority vote to approve zoning, the vocal few have successfully been able to block any attempt at affordable housing. Whether it's about concerns about drugs and crimes, or the impact on their property value.

All attempts to change this law or reintroduce rent control has failed in the state house of representatives, because they also need a supermajority to pass.

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View attachment 184790

Perfect. Only thing missing is some Dark Brandon Merch links.
Absolutely brilliant move by his media team. The optics would be terrible if the orange one were to ban him from the site, so this gives the Biden team a chance to get their message out to a different demographic. Of course, I fully anticipate many troll replies but who cares???
Absolutely brilliant move by his media team. The optics would be terrible if the orange one were to ban him from the site, so this gives the Biden team a chance to get their message out to a different demographic. Of course, I fully anticipate many troll replies but who cares???
Speaking of trolls. God there are so many on Instagram these days when viewing posts about certain topics.

For example, a reel of someone not being able to backup a trailer. In a post like this you will always now find the comment "Must be a Democrat".
Y'all see that Egypt gave Israel a heads up a few days before the attack? Odds on Netanyahu and his government letting it happen to get the recent string of protesters and corruption charges off his back?

Also very convenient that he has propped up and funded Hamas for years.

Very cool that Biden's about to go over there and cheer them on.