Political Discussion

Saying he was the best president for Black people since Abraham Lincoln didn’t play well either
Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard to integrates schools in the state and LBJ passed the Voting Rights Act. They might be a rung or two ahead of Trump.

It’s close though. Trump made Ben Carson his HUD Secretary and got ASAP Rocky released from a Swedish jail.
Saying he was the best president for Black people since Abraham Lincoln didn’t play well either
I can’t fathom why his campaign would put him in front of an audience and panel of Black journalists. This is a population most intimately knowledgeable about Trump’s doings for the past 10 years.

Notice how his team pulled him off the stage when questions were asked about Project 2025. Towel tossed into the ring.
I want to know why Kamala is spending all this time in Houston. She's down double digits in TX so it's not to spend time with sororities and turn out college kids. And it's not like the black churches don't already support her or that the white one's will.

I feel like there is some power broker she's talking to and I want to know who it is. The fact that it's Houston (as opposed to a tech hub like Austin) is especially concerning... cause Houston reeks of big oil.
She's speaking at the funeral for Sheila Jackson Lee. She was in Houston last time for the American Federation of Teachers convention. She went to the International Biennial Boule. Harris County has a huge African American population. Houston ISD is under attack from Governor Abbott. If she can generate more interest in voting, maybe we can swing this damn state away from the terrible MAGA grip it's currently under.

She's speaking at the funeral for Sheila Jackson Lee. She was in Houston last time for the American Federation of Teachers convention. She went to the International Biennial Boule. Harris County has a huge African American population. Houston ISD is under attack from Governor Abbott. If she can generate more interest in voting, maybe we can swing this damn state away from the terrible MAGA grip it's currently under.

The funeral yes, I'm aware of. Ditto for thr teacher's union stuff. But she's there 3 days with ZERO chance of swinging Texas. Not to sound like a broken record, but if you want to try and make up double digit ground in TX, you don't make banning assualt weapons foundational to your platform.

My buddy who is a poli-sci major and a black man living in PA and who's been very defensive of Kamala and the potential Shapiro pick is the one whose been texting me off the hook about it this morning. And his retort to me bringing up the funeral was-

"Cmon. She flew to Georgia for a few hours to hold a rally and then flew back to Houston.

The fact that she had to be there for a few hours here and there over recent weeks doesn't begin to explain why she's parked her plane there.

This is the stuff we need to be paying way closer attention to than a VP pick... Who does she court in order to build the coalition".
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I want to know why Kamala is spending all this time in Houston. She's down double digits in TX so it's not to spend time with sororities and turn out college kids. And it's not like the black churches don't already support her or that the white one's will.

I feel like there is some power broker she's talking to and I want to know who it is. The fact that it's Houston (as opposed to a tech hub like Austin) is especially concerning... cause Houston reeks of big oil.
Wonder if it's because there is a possibility of Ted Cruz's seat flipping?
The funeral yes, I'm aware of. Ditto for thr teacher's union stuff. But she's there 3 days with ZERO chance of swinging Texas. Not to sound like a broken record, but if you want to try and make up double digit ground in TX, you don't make banning assualt weapons foundational to your platform.

My buddy who is a poli-sci major and a black man living in PA and who's been very defensive of Kamala and the potential Shapiro pick is the one whose been texting me off the hook about it this morning. And his retort to me bringing up the funeral was-

"Cmon. She flew to Georgia for a few hours to hold a rally and then flew back to Houston.

The fact that she had to be there for a few hours here and there over recent weeks doesn't begin to explain why she's parked her plane there.

This is the stuff we need to be paying way closer attention to than a VP pick... Who does she court in order to build the coalition".
First off, I’ve heard you talk more about Kamala’s assault weapons ban than anyone, Liberal or Conservative. This is not an issue that your average voter cares about beyond the idea that less guns make them safer. Only extremist are driven by assault weapons bans and these people in Texas or any other state were never voting for Kamala.

Candidates travel to non battleground states for a multitude of reasons. Her visiting Texas to inspire the local communities to get out and vote helps raise money herself and down ballot candidates, Trump campaigns in Florida and New York and Illinois frequently. None of which are really contested states.

Ignoring a state as big and as rich as Texas doesn’t make sense. If she is heading to Texas and Ohio and Florida late in the campaign at the expense of the “Blue Wall” states then everyone should be questioning her process but 3 months out this is the type of campaigning I would expect.
But it's a greater chance than Harris winning Texas.
I would think they're on the same level. If you're voting for Trump, you're also voting for Ted Cruz. If you're voting for Kamala, you're also voting against Ted Cruz. Maybe you get a split vote but I just don't see that in this state. They did eliminate straight ticket voting after 2008 because of the Obama effect on down ballot races.