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Why were fanny packs even popular?
Ask this guy...

Got an email today from them about Mobb Deep that I haven’t received nor has shipped as far as I can tell. Basically said issue is resolved and closing the ticket. Mobb Deep or shipping notice yet so I’m not really sure it’s “closed”

It's "closed" because none of us are getting that album and they're telling us (mostly through their silence) that it's time to move on into the "acceptance" phase
Y'all can skip over this post if you don't give a shit about reddit stuff lol

Make sure to include context, bud. Someone made a post on the subreddit talking about the community aspect of it. It was an interesting post IMO, because OP's main point (or at least my interpretation of it) was: negativity and criticism is absolutely valid. VMP has been fucking up and customers need a place to congregate, discuss these issues, and put public pressure on VMP. But when that negativity seeps into positive or even neutral posts, it puts the community in a precarious position. Sure, if someone says "VMP is great, y'all need to quit whining, you're being bitches about this whole thing", that's messed up and is not cool at all (and is stuff we've warned/banned people for in the past - we must be some pretty crappy VMP shills?). But when someone can't even say "I got this record in the mail today and it sounds good and I had a good time spinning it" without being downvoted and chastised, it makes it hard for any sort of community to prosper (I know some of y'all might not believe it, or might not be around the reddit enough to have an opinion either way, but prior to the last few weeks of VMP fiascos I would ABSOLUTELY say the subreddit had a solid community aspect to it). One of the first sentences of OP's post was "Reddit has become the place for members to get together and try to build a sense of community around this service." While some valid and interesting discussion spawned from that thread, there was also a lot of people whose response was just "go to Needlesandgrooves". My response to OP is as follows:

"The 'around this service' part is an important distinction that I don't think enough people are recognizing whenever they say "just go to Needlesandgrooves". N&G is great, and there are subsections of it dedicated to discussing VMP-related topics. But it's not a VMP community, because it was never built or intended to be one. Directing people who want a better VMP community to N&G is sort of a misrepresentation of what that place is about, and it also implies that there can't or shouldn't be any semblance of a sense of community on here. Attempts to improve certain aspects of a community, or emphasize that there is one (which there undeniably was for a very long time, VMP's past couple months of fuckups have really diluted the waters though), shouldn't be met with "go to this other community instead", especially when /r/vinylmeplease and Needlesandgrooves are only very tangentially related"

My response wasn't "don't go to N&G". It was "N&G is not a platform that primarily revolves around VMP, and directing people who specifically say they want a sense of community built around a service to a forum that was specifically built to NOT be beholden to said service is a misrepresentation of said forum".

Furthermore @LordHood - and I REALLY have tried to avoid getting into any public disagreement on here with you despite you constantly trying to call me out, as like others have stated, N&G is not a platform to publicly air your grievances about stuff that happened on a completely separate website - your petty vendetta is getting annoying. You were warned on the subreddit multiple times for your antagonistic behavior and namecalling towards other members. I removed a post of yours that I and the rest of the mod team felt belonged in the megathread. You slid into my DMs to repeatedly call me a fanboy and a child. I provided you with my justification for removing your thread and you continued to call me a fanboy and a child. You then made a thread publicly calling me a fanboy and a child. After warning you again, your attacks continued, and you were temp banned. Of course, that didn't stop you from continuing to slide into my DMs to harass me for comments I was making on the subreddit after you were banned. And now you hop onto a completely separate platform to partake in such bald-faced misrepresentation of almost every aspect of the situation, and for what? To try and turn this community against me? To paint this picture that the mod team are some big bad shills who remove any slight hint of negativity, when there are multiple actual members of this community who can tell you how wrong that is? Ironically enough, this was my exact reasoning for trying to impress onto people that N&G is not just some VMP or /r/vinylmeplease offshoot - shit over there doesn't have to be dredged up on here, because this is its own community that doesn't have any real connection to VMP (which is part of what makes N&G so great).

I really don't want to turn this into a public spitting match, which is why I ignored you the first five times you tried to call me out on here. The truth is that a lot of people here really actually couldn't give less of a shit about what happens on the subreddit, and that's fine. So if you want to keep calling me out and being dishonest about what happened, cool, at least I've said my side.

Thank you for the lengthy reply. As for the gender items here, I would like to note that as I was not aware of the gender of Crysb, in our private discussions, I did refer as guy/lady. I would also like to state, that I didnt slide into any DMs, I was messaged first.

I didnt realize that fanboy was so derogatory. I apologize, and will remove that from my vocabulary. I have learned that the term reflects social, gender, and consumer biases, and I apologize for using such a marginalizing word.

Its really as simple as that. I felt you were censoring me, and you wouldnt respond to my questions about the censorship. I felt I followed the terms of the subreddit guidelines. When you wouldn't address those guidelines further with me, I made a post calling you a fanboy and asking for you to ban me so that you could follow up with your threat.

We are good! thank you for following through!

Dead C, thank you for your messages as well. You didnt provide any connection to this outside of providing some helpful background and opinions on the matter. Nothing for you to be concerned about either.

Thats all Ill say. I deserved the ban, and have learned me lesson.

Now....fuck VMP - I still have records missing from August, September, and October with no CS Response.