Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Cut the sarcasm. Save it for the Hoffman forum. I don't care what you believe, and I don't care to join you going low.

Math. 2 record per minute average x 60 minutes in an hour. 120 records an hour.

7 hours in a shift. Downtime is typically between shifts. 7 x 120 = 840 records a shift.

Assume 2 shifts. 1,680 records a day.

I don't know the entirety of their press runs for all 4 tracks, and I also have said there is no way they would only have one press. I would assume between 4 and 6 to be viable, and as they have said they will at times take on other work, that is a reasonable, even conservative assumption.

So, the announcement clearly tells me that they will have all the in-house capacity they need, plus some to spare.

So from only a small amount research it’s pretty clear that it takes roughly 30 seconds from the puck going into the press to the vinyl being cured. That doesn’t include getting the puck putting it in, trimming the wax off and stacking it. More than one a minute seems pretty tight. Assuming that the piece of meat operating the machine will consistently work at that pace and not go for a piss, get a drink etc over a 7 hour shift is also kind of ludicrous. I can now see your numbers dropping pretty steeply.

Essentials were estimated at 30,000 about 3 or 4 years ago with the other two around 5,000. Given the likelihood of growth and the addition of country that’s conservative.

Also leave out the Hoffman shit. If you want to take offence at someone throwing the same comment you made to them right back at you then perhaps you might want to examine the thickness of your skin.
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VMP have worked with Third Man Records before so they may be a partner. I would also think TMR quality would probably what I expect from this venture.

I don't think TMR is known for their audiophile qualities. They're not bad, but not great either.

TMR can be infuriating. They clearly have nice masters and when it goes right it’s very right but they’re really inconsistent. Maybe that’s just start up and growing pains that they’ll grow out of.
I am cautiously optimistic about this whole thing. I'm sure it may be rocky to start but really hope they can pull it off. It would be awesome for the entire industry.

Yeah once they don’t try to run before they can walk it does, and given I’m a natural sceptic of theirs, seem that they have looked to the right people and done the right things so far!
I am cautiously optimistic about this whole thing. I'm sure it may be rocky to start but really hope they can pull it off. It would be awesome for the entire industry.
I agree. This should be seen as a positive step. There will be growing pains, but in the end another pressing plant is welcomed. And it should give Adele yet another option for pressing her next release!
I knew I had read something about Denver and records a few days ago and I found it. Victrola is relocating to the same neighborhood. Maybe one of their partners? They have a vested interest in more records too.

while i'm midly surprised it hasn't happened already given their focus on 'experiences', i long figured it was only a matter of time before a vmp branded turntable was put out. perhaps this is the way.