Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I have said this same exact thing. Those are just dudes doing a job and people shit on them really fucking hard, particularly on reddit and SHF (some here too, some on discord, although discord is by and large a curated space so most of the shitbaggery is peer pressured into not happening; legit complaints tend to be addressed or at least acknowledged.)

I suppose there are times in the past that they were more brusque with dealing with customers, but gotta tell you I would be on a short fuse if I started to get comments about my appearance while working from dickheads on reddit. or constant monday morning quarterbacking from people who don't know my job or how to do it.

I think there needs to be allowance on here at least that these are people who a lot on here know and interacted with them pretty regularly and on a close and informal basis before they nuked their own forum directly leading to the creation of this. It’s not all just screaming about strangers into a void.
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I swapped DMX For the Thin Lizzy Japandriods bundle- which was a pretty good deal for me as I’d considered both a number of times and was likely to add at least the Thin Lizzy in Store credit at some point.
My 12 months with 8 free records subscription has really not been massively lucrative for them. Also had a comedy box set swapped (moved that on).